Questions tagged [quic]

QUIC (pronounced quick) is a multiplexed stream transport protocol over UDP. It is a transport level network protocol designed at Google. The tag applies to questions related to the protocol and its implementations such as libquic. QUIC is an acronym for Quick UDP Internet Connections.

QUIC (pronounced quick) is a transport level network protocol originally designed at Google and currently being standardised by the IETF. It provides security protection and implements connection semantics over UDP. As of 2016 it is used to stream YouTube traffic to capable browsers.

The protocol is documented in an IETF RFC Draft. The project website is hosted by Google. And libquic is an implementation with minimal dependencies to Chromium sources.

66 questions
0 answers

'openssl/err.h': No such file or directory

I'm trying to use aioquic on Windows but I get this error on the initial pip install -e .: src/aioquic/_crypto.c(4): fatal error C1083: Non Š possibile aprire il file inclusione: 'openssl/err.h': No such file or directory error: command…
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Ignore Path MTU on Linux when sending UDP packets

I am implementing DPLPMTUD and I want to suppress the Linux kernel from returning -1 with errno = EMSGSIZE when I send UDP packet longer than the local interface's MTU. I want to avoid the pain of dealing with error handling when several datagrams…
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How do I use lsquic (LiteSpeed QUIC and HTTP/3 library)? I want to implement lsquic. after the setup in the readme, what should I do to send data from client to server and track the network traffic? For setup, do I just follow the three steps, install BoringSSL,…
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Capture/generate QUIC traffic

I am trying to capture QUIC traffic but not able to. I tried to build chromium from source as mentioned in the google wiki, but this is cumbersome, I am running into all sorts of build issues. Also,…
1 answer

JMeter - execute QUIC request

There are options to call TCP,HTTP2 and UDP request in JMeter, But is there a way to call QUIC request in JMeter QUIC is a new transport which reduces latency compared to that of TCP. On the surface, QUIC is very similar to TCP+TLS+HTTP/2…
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Does nginx support quic?

does nginx support quic? if yes how can it be enabled? I have tried some solutions found online but that did not help
2 answers

Where does http protocol rests in rails framework?

I just wanted to know that where does the HTTP framework rests in rails and how to implement a different protocol for client-server communication using different network layer? There's a new protocol called QUIC which has low latency and if …
Nischay Namdev
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Confusing HTTP/2 protocol information in Chrome debugger Network tab

I see some of them show "h2" and some "http/2+quic/43" but never "h2+quic/43". What's the difference between h2 and http/2 in this case? And what's the "43" in "quic/43"? Protocol version or port number?
Kok How Teh
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How does GQUIC affect the WebRTC process?

I am making a simple WebRTC application for myself in order to understand the WebRTC process. I am using the RTCPeerConnection object to generate an SDP and display it in my logs so I could see exactly what the SDP contains. This was working fine…
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RTCQuicTransport: The provided value cannot be converted to a sequence

When I try to call the constructor of RTCQuicTransport on Javascript it throws the error: Uncaught TypeError: Failed to construct 'RTCQuicTransport': The provided value cannot be converted to a sequence. Assumming the Constructor needs two…
1 answer

Memory overflowing by using roi() function Opencv on Javascript

I have a camera with a double lens connected via USB to my computer and I have created an anaglyphic 3D video using OpenCV on Javascript. The problem is, I reach an error called OutOfMemory. I have checked for leak memory from my variables that are…
0 answers

Unable to connect Quic-Go sever

I follow the wiki from and I run: go run example/main.go -bind "" I'm running the server in a Ubuntu 16.04 virtual machine and I use port redirection of 11220 (my open port on the host) to 6121…
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Rapid transfer of binary files

We have a daily need to ship about 500 MB of compressed image files (about 280K each). Currently we do this the fast easy way. A web server, and downloads via http. We are now looking at the putting a better client (nw.js) on the client side. So…
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Why does app using HTTP/2 only establish one TCP connection?

I understand that HTTP/2 multiplexing solves head-of-line blocking problem in HTTP/1.1. However, head-of-line block still exists in TCP protocol. Even if requests are sent at the same time in application layer, the messages still need to be sent one…
1 answer

How does a browser know if a site supports HTTP/3?

I have a kind of the same question as How does a browser know if a site supports HTTP/2?. I am wondering how the browser knows website support http3. I am using safari and turned on the http3 support. Then I go to and the…
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