Questions tagged [pwm]

PWM (Pulse-width modulation) is a technique for controlling power to electrical devices, made practical by modern electronic power switches.

401 questions
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VHDL Audio Project

I am trying to attempt a school project on a Nexys 4 DDR board. The project I was interested in is separated in to 2 parts: Emulating a Vu meter (decibel meter) using the PDM microphone built-in on the board and displaying on the 16 LED's. The…
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pi.hardware_PWM() not works together with flask IntegerField nor StringField

I have to use pigpiod, pi.hardware_PWM() as it gives me beautiful squrewave. I've created a webserver, in which I use flask and flask-wtf. I fetch the number from the user with IntegerField, which I would like to use as a PWM control number. However…
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How to make this for loop both dim and brighten the LED?

I have a for loop made by my teacher that dims (or brightens) an LED connected to a PIC18F2455. I have to make the code do both, first brighten, then dim it, but my C skills aren't good enough for this. How can I make this happen? int…
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how to generate PWM after a sine in simulink?

I need to generate a PWM signal with duty cycle after a sine. How I can do this in simulink and after this to simulate on a microcontroller F28027 PICCOLO ?
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arduino servo is moving randomely

i have amg996r servo and an arduino mega. when i am running the sweep example from the arduino servo library the servo is moving almost randomly, looks like it moves toward the desired position and before reaching moving back to 0 degrees(altough it…
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TSMP77000 IR Receiver Code

I'm using tsmp77000 IR Sensor module for air conditioner remote control system. datasheet I instructed remote controller device of the air conditioner to sensor module and i saw voltage outputs(active low) on the oscilloscope. Then, i need to…
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wouldn't pwm cause uneven motor motion?

I mean basically the PWM is causing the motor to run, stop, run, stop, run, stop at different intervals, wouldn't it make a very uneven ride>?
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PWM/PPM Output misses some edges

I am using ESP8266 (NODEMCU 3.0 or something) to make a quadcopter. Ive connected ardu pro mini to RC receiver so I am reading PPM values from it. Pro mini sends data with tx to ESP8266. ESP reads it with software serial with 115200 baudrate. I am…
2 answers

RE: How Can I Get Flask to Use GPIO Pins to Change the LED Brightness on Linux with a BeagleBone Black?

I am using Python, Adafruit_BBIO for GPIO and PWM, Flask, and a BeagleBone Black. With all these tools and info, I have been following along in a book, "Getting Started with BeagleBone" (Richardson 2014). With this in mind, here is my software from…
De Funct
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On Raspberry Pi, How to control PWM on GPIO18 using C++?

Can anybody tell me how to use Raspberry Pi GPIO18 to produce PWM by using C++?
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GPIO - raspberry pi - PWM - JavaScript

How to control servo on raspberry pi using JavaScript?
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