Questions tagged [simulink]

Simulink® is an environment developed by The MathWorks for multidomain simulation and Model-Based Design for dynamic and embedded systems.

Simulink® is an environment developed by The MathWorks for multidomain simulation and Model-Based Design for dynamic and embedded systems. It provides an interactive graphical environment and a customizable set of block libraries that let you design, simulate, implement, and test a variety of time-varying systems, including communications, controls, signal processing, video processing, and image processing.

Some useful links:

2638 questions
8 answers

Unit testing/continuous integration with Simulink/Stateflow

How can I perform unit testing in Simulink, or preferably, Stateflow? I'm a fan of agile software methods, including test driven development. I'm responsible for the development of safety critical control software and we're using…
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4 answers

Difference between a Simulink library and a model reference

What are (If there are) the differences between a Simulink library and a model reference. There's advantadges in using either of them in different situations?
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8 answers

Matlab Simulink version control with multiple developers

We're using Matlab Simulink for model development (and Real-Time Workshop autocoding) within a team of several developers. We currently use Visual Source Safe (yes, I know its terrible) for version control, using locks to prevent conflicting…
Jon Mills
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2 answers

Simulink for Python

I have been searching and found many libraries (scipy, numpy, matplotlib) for Python that lets a user easily shift from MATLAB to Python. However, I am unable to find any library that is related to the Simulink in MATLAB. I would like to know if…
Saad Qureshi
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3 answers

Information about Simulink MDL and SLX formats?

What information is available about these file formats? What tools are available for parsing these files?
Douglas B. Staple
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3 answers

Modelica vs Simscape

This question has two main aspects actually. Right at the beginning, I have to admit that I am totally new to physical modeling and would be glad to be corrected as well, not only be answered. For those who find it too long to read, I can give a…
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4 answers

How do I provide input to a Simulink model without placing it in the workspace

I have a Simulink model that is currently being run from a script (i.e. not a function). The script writes variable values to the MATLAB workspace, runs the model simulation (which uses these values), and then the model writes additional values to…
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2 answers

How does Simulink simulation engine work?

I would like to understand how Simulink simulation engine works. Does it use a discrete event simulation mecanism (then how continous time is handled ?) ? Does it rely on a static cycle-based code generation ? Or ?
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6 answers

Extensive comparison between SIMULINK and LabVIEW

I am trying to determine which of these two to buy for my work. I have used SIMULINK but not LabVIEW. Is there anyone who has used both and would like to provide some details? My investigation criteria are the user friendliness, availability of…
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3 answers

How to export simulink data to workspace during simulation?

I want to retrieve the data from simulink during simulation, and use serial network function to send these data to another program. Because I need to use another program to do some tricks and send command back to simulink, so I have to get data from…
Po-Jen Lai
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1 answer

Find unused variables and functions in a MATLAB-Simulink project

I have a complex MATLAB-Simulink project involving many m-files and mdl-files. Some m-files define variables that are used in other m-files (bad design, I know, but it is legacy code). There are also functions that aren't used anymore. I need an…
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1 answer

Connection through COM port between host and guest in VirtualBox

I am running a certain application on Ubuntu (16.04) in VirtualBox, while VirtualBox is running on Windows 10 (host). In Simulink (running on my host), I have a simulation where at the last stage, I gather some values. I want to output these values…
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0 answers

Simulink MultiArray message generation to ROS

How can I create a publisher that in Simulink (Matlab R2015A) that sends an array of floats as a ROS message (in ROS Indigo under Ubuntu 14.04)? I should use the BlankMSG block with msg type: std_msgs/Float32MultiArray, a Publish block with the same…
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2 answers

Iterate through a structure in MATLAB without 'fieldnames'

The usual way to iterate through a struct data type in MATLAB is using the fieldnames() function as done in: mystruct = struct('a',3,'b',5,'c',9); fields = fieldnames(mystruct); for i=1:numel(fields) mystruct.(fields{i}); end Unfortunately,…
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1 answer

Kalman filter in computer vision: the choice of Q and R noise covariances

I read some works about Kalman filter for CV object tracking but I can't find some reference about the choice of: 1)the process noise covariance Q; 2)Measurement noise covariance R. So far I have realized that the model is equation of motion…
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