Questions tagged [arduino-esp8266]

This project brings support for ESP8266 chip to the Arduino environment. It lets you write sketches using familiar Arduino functions and libraries, and run them directly on ESP8266, no external microcontroller required.

This project brings support for ESP8266 chip to the Arduino environment. It lets you write sketches using familiar Arduino functions and libraries, and run them directly on ESP8266, no external microcontroller required.

895 questions
3 answers

Arduino IDE can't find ESP8266WiFi.h file

I am trying to use NOD MCU ESP8266WiFi with Arduino IDE When I run this code: #include #include char auth[] = "YourAuthToken"; char ssid[] = "YourNetworkName"; char pass[] = "YourPassword"; void setup(){ …
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2 answers

ESP8266/Arduino: Why is it necessary to add the ICACHE_RAM_ATTR macro to ISRs and functions called from there?

I read that I need to add the ICACHE_RAM_ATTR macro to interrup service routines (ISRs) and to every function that is called from there in my Arduino code for ESP8266 to prevent random crashes. I also found an explanation of what the macro…
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3 answers

How do you get a timestamp in Arduino-ESP8266?

I would like to get a timestamp with Arduino-ESP8266. But I don't have any idea how to get that. I suppose we have to get the time from the Internet since the ESP8266 doesn't have any clock. Do we need to do that only once or every time we need a…
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1 answer

ESP: Auto login/accept message by OS with redirect to page like public WIFI portals access points

Example: I do not know how you call this feature so I try to explain it. For example when you connect your phone to a public WiFi hotspot/access point, you receive a message from OS that it is required to accept terms/conditions or you need to logon…
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1 answer

ESP8266 Sniffing and sending Mac address

I'm trying to make my ESP8266 sniffing nearby devices, then posting them by with a HTTP request. With purpose is to record when my roommate and I are at home. Then in the future, trigger certain tasks like turning on/off the lights if we're home or…
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Error on sending AT+CWJAP_DEF commands to ESP8266

I am trying to send AT commands to ESP8266 to get connected with internet with the Wifi. When I am sending AT and AT+RST command on serial monitor then I am getting OK and ready response which seems perfect. Then I am sending AT+CWLAP to get list of…
N Sharma
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1 answer

ESP8266 Micropython - connecting to University Wi-fi ( WPA2 Enterprise PEAP )

I have a board with an ESP8266 chip running Micropython firmware v1.8.7. My requirement is to use WebREPL via the University Wi-Fi, which uses WPA2 Enterprise EAP-MSCHAPv2 authentication. My Google-fu so far has informed me that Arduino users have…
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NodeMCU auto-join open wifi

I have searched for solution for this issue for quite a long time with no luck. I would like NodeMCU to look for an open wifi network and connect to it. As long as the connection is available use that connection - and when the connection drops start…
1 answer

Receiving data from a server using ESP8266 /Arduino Uno

I have a Raspberry Pi working as a WiFi hotspot and an Arduino Uno trying to get data from it using an ESP8266 module. This is my receiver code for Arduino: #include #include #define sw_serial_rx_pin 4 // …
Sachith Muhandiram
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1 answer

ESP32/ESP8266 connect to localhost server using WiFi

I have made a simple Node.js local server to receive POST requests from ESP32 and put it in a database. The server is working fine as I tested it using postman. The server is listening to port My problem is that client.connect(host,…
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0 answers

Reasons why adding static to all the functions in a translation unit may increase the size of the resulting object file?

My intention is to limit the visibility of a number of symbols to the translation unit where they are defined. This commit is adding 688 bytes to the resulting firmware file. Any ideas why? The compiler involved is a GCC 4.8.2 The target device is…
Frank Meerkötter
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0 answers

Search in Char array

The Project I'm working on is a BURSTCOIN ticker, it gets its information from Poloniex using an ESP8266 the first problem I had was that I was using http.getstring and it was to big to go into the string and it kept restarting the device. I then…
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2 answers

ESP8266 12E NodeMCU 1.0 pin mapping for micro sd card?

I tried several pin conifguration to connect nodemcu and micro sd card. However, I had not any luck to successfully connect to sd card. I followed esp8266 forum and some other solution! I need your suggestions :)
Naim Rajiv
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1 answer

Find other device on local network using the ESP8266

How would I find a device on the local network? I'm building an IoT device that needs to find another device connected to the same network. There will be two ESP8266 modules that need to communicate with each other on the local network, how would I…
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3 answers

Get Mac address of client connected with esp8266

I turned my esp8266 as an access point, so that the mobile devices could connect to it. Want to get the macAddress of the devices connected to it. How could I get it?
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