Questions tagged [property-graph]

22 questions
1 answer

What kinds of use cases are ideal for SPARQL / RDF triple stores, but not property graphs?

I see that SPARQL / RDF are standards, which is cool. But what types of use cases would lead one to choose a triplestore over a property graph?
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Litte expressivity of Property Graphs compared to RDF Graphs due to lack of reification?

Is there any way to represent this in a Property Graph: "Peter likes Anna. This information was created by Dave. Dave is a Liar. The certainty of this information is 95%." In a RDF Graph using Reification this could look like this: There is no way…
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Is it possible to create a property graph in NetworKit?

For example, I would like to add some attributes to nodes and edges (say, some labels or any other additional info). Is it possible to do that in NetworKit? Thank you in advance!
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Why aren't TripleStore implemented as Native Graph Store as Property-Graph Store are?

Sparql based store or put another way, TripleStore, are known to be less efficient than property graph store, on top of not being able to be distributed while maintaining performance as property graph. I understand that there are a lot of things at…
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Using GraphScale over neo4j LPG for reasoning

I recently read an article explaining how to get OWL like reasoning on an LPG store in neo4j using GraphScale. But I am very unclear on how to define OWL like rules on an LPG graph in the first place. Can some please explain it to me? I am…
2 answers

How to efficiently delete nodes which can be reached from another node without passing other nodes and only have 1 incoming relationship?

I'm using Property Graph and Cypher from Neo4j. As described in the title, I'm trying to delete a number of nodes which can be reached from another node without passing other nodes and only have 1 incoming relationship. Here is the example of this…
Triet Doan
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3 answers

Neo4j cypher query for linked list

I have the below graph. A league (l1) starts with LEVEL r1 and the NEXT levels are related using NEXT relationship as shown. league-[:LEVEL]->r1-[:NEXT]->r2-[:NEXT]->r3-[:NEXT]->r4 What I am looking for is to find all the levels for a given league…
Aravind Yarram
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Error while creating node using py2neo : keyword can't be an expression

from py2neo import Graph, Node, Relationship l=["Vipul", "Vithal", "Yoga"] hasage=["hasAge", "hasAge", "hasAge"] age=[24,31,26] g = Graph(password="Abc123") tx = g.begin() for item in l: Vithal = Node("item", name=l[l.index(item)],…
1 answer

Can a node have a property twice?

I would like to create a database with abbreviations for every word used in my company. Can I define a various number of properties for the same property (as in RDF)? Is it possible to use different data types? for example like this: :Word Name:…
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How to design a graph database in this scenario?

here is my scenario. I have a pre-defined data type structure for books. Just take it as an example for the sake of simplicity. The structure looks like the image below. It's a Labeled Property Graph and the information is self-explained. This data…
Triet Doan
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can property graph be transformed into a RDF dataset?

We know that neo4j and Titan use property graph as their data model, which is more complicate and flexible than RDF. However, my team is building a graph database named gStore which is based on RDF datasets. gStore can not support N-Quads or…
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Spark GraphX - How can I read from a JSON file in Spark and create a graph from the data?

I'm new to Spark and Scala, and I am trying to read a bunch of tweeter data from a JSON file and turn that into a graph where a vertex represents a tweet and the edge connects to tweets which are a re-tweet of the original posted item. So far I…
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Property graph (Neo4j) design: Single node with multiple relations or new nodes for each event occurence?

Let us say I've two Leagues L1 and L2. Each league can have multiple rounds like Playoffs, Quarterfinals, Semifinals and Finals. Moreover, I also need to represent the happens_after fact like Quarterfinals happens after Playoffs, Semifinals happens…
Aravind Yarram
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1 answer

What is the best way to perform soft delete in Graph database?

What is the best way of implementing soft delete with timestamps( start date and end date) in Graph database?
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Querying virtual graphs in Neo4j

I'm extending Neo4j with some user-defined procedures. My procedures return virtual graphs and I'm getting the visualisation that I want, but I'm not able to query from it. The output has a GraphResult type created by apoc. Is there a way to query…