Questions tagged [networkit]

NetworKit is an open-source toolkit for large-scale network analysis. It includes efficient C++ implementations of graph algorithms, and many of them are parallel to exploit multi-core architectures. These algorithms are meant to compute standard metrics for network analysis such as centrality, clustering coefficient, etc. Use this tag for any questions about how to install the package, or for any clarifications about its algorithms.

NetworKit is an open-source tool suite for high-performance network analysis. Its aim is to provide tools for the analysis of large networks in the size range from thousands to billions of edges. For this purpose, it implements efficient graph algorithms, many of them parallel to utilize multicore architectures. These are meant to compute standard measures of network analysis. NetworKit is focused on scalability and comprehensiveness. NetworKit is also a testbed for algorithm engineering and contains novel algorithms from recently published research (see list of publications below).

NetworKit is also a Python module. High-performance algorithms are written in C++ and exposed to Python via the Cython toolchain. Python in turn gives us the ability to work interactively and a rich environment of tools for data analysis and scientific computing. Furthermore, NetworKit's core can be built and used as a native library if needed.

For more information about NetworKit, please refer to its website or its github page.

24 questions
1 answer

Is it possible to create a property graph in NetworKit?

For example, I would like to add some attributes to nodes and edges (say, some labels or any other additional info). Is it possible to do that in NetworKit? Thank you in advance!
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ERROR: NetworKit compilation requires cmake. #288

I use python3.7 and installed minGW has: GCC 8.2.0-3, CMake 3.13.3, Ninja 1.8.2, Cython 0.29.3, but pip install networkit gives the error as follows: C:\Users\anjali\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python37\Scripts>pip install networkit Collecting…
1 answer

Usage of forEdges iterator in networkit (python)

I carefully read the docs, but it still is unclear to me how to use G.forEdges(), described as an "experimental edge iterator interface". Let's say that I want to decrease the density of my graph. I have a sorted list of weights, and I want to…
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Methods for generating complex network

I have a small graph network and I've been looking for methods that can make use of the structural properties of the small network to generate a complex network. I'd like to use a method that preserves properties such as degree distribution,…
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Retrieving original node names in Networkit

I am not sure I understand how Networkit handles the names of the nodes. Let's say that I read a large graph from an edgelist, using another Python module like Networkx; then I convert it to a Network graph and I perform some operations, like…
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Community detection using Netwokit with PLP and PLM ( Python 3.x )

I'm not able to find a good documentation to use PLP and PLM algoritms. I need to detect community in a graph using networkit's libraries. I've found only this link: but I don't understand what kind…
1 answer

Networkit graphEvent (python)

Another Networkit question. Seems like this module doesn't get much support (and I certainly don't want to open issues on github just to get help), but you don't get if you don't ask. By reading the docs it seems like there's a lot of functions to…
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Failing to import Networkit after successful installation - how to switch to `Homebrew gcc`

I was able (after a bit of a struggle) to install networkit via pip install networkit in a python3.6 anaconda environment (I'm on Mac OSX high sierra). In order for networkit to work I had to install a g++ compiler which supports OpenMp, so I chose…
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2 answers

Error while uploading Networkit python module with Jupyter notebook

I installed the Networkit module with conda install -c vgauthier networkit. If I import it in a notebook (import networkit as nk) I get this error: --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ImportError …
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Can't pickle in parallel computing. Can [dill] or other tool pickle [networkit] graphs?

I need to run a function in parallel for different input values. The thing is that I need to get the output (a NetworKit Graph) of the function for each iterations. I tried to use joblib, Multiprocessing.Process and Queue, pathos, but I always have…
Mohamed AL ANI
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Can't install NetworKit

I have been trying to figure out what the problem was for installing this module for a while and I'm stuck. The only related link I could find is here. I type in the command sudo -E pip3 install networkit into the terminal and here is what I am…
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2 answers

pip install networkit error

I'm using the pip install networkit provide by the networkit homepage, but I don't know what's going wrong here, the terminal keep showing this: Downloading/unpacking networkit Downloading networkit-3.4.1.tar.gz (582kB): 582kB downloaded Running…
Runze Sun
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Create path representation for multiple directed graphs from edge list using networkx or networkit

I have an edge list: Source Target a e d f k v y w f u e q c b a y w x a z x r u m p …
1 answer

How to use NetworKit/SNAP to get the maximum matching?

I want to get the maximum matching of a graph. Now, I use the algorithm in Networkx: nx.algorithms.bipartite.matching.hopcroft_karp_matching(G) However, I didn't find a similar algorithm in SNAPenter link description here. And for NetworKit, I found…
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Understanding memory usage in NetworkIt

I am working with a 3BN+ edge graph so I've had a keen eye on memory consumption. To benchmark memory consumption I've created a bipartite graph with 10MN nodes on each side of the graph where all nodes have degree 1. I am seeing a memory…
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