Questions tagged [private-network]

In the Internet addressing architecture, a private network is a network that uses private IP address space, following the standards set by RFC 1918 for Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4), and RFC 4193 for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6).

In the Internet addressing architecture, a private network is a network that uses private IP address space, following the standards set by RFC 1918 for Internet Protocol Version 4 (IPv4), and RFC 4193 for Internet Protocol Version 6 (IPv6).

These addresses are commonly used for home, office, and enterprise local area networks (LANs), when globally routable addresses are not mandatory, or are not available for the intended network applications. Under IPv4, the private IP address spaces were originally defined in an effort to delay IPv4 address exhaustion, but they are also a feature of IPv6, the next generation Internet Protocol.

These addresses are characterized as private because they are not globally delegated, meaning that they are not allocated to any specific organization, and IP packets addressed with them cannot be transmitted through the public Internet. Anyone may use these addresses without approval from a regional Internet registry (RIR). If such a private network needs to connect to the Internet, it must use either a network address translator (NAT) gateway, or a proxy server.

50 questions
1 answer

What does selenium chromeDriver's port mean?

When all ports are open, you can use the Selenium ChromeDriver to collect the ports. However, as per company policy, only ports 53,443,80 are open. I can't run it when doing web collection using Selenium ChromeDriver. Checking the execution log, a…
2 answers

Run DB migrations on cloud build connecting to cloud sql using private IP

I am trying to setup db migrations for a Nodejs app on cloud build connecting to cloud sql with a private IP via cloud sql proxy. Cloud SQL connection always fail from cloud build. Currently I am running migration manually from a compute engine. I…
0 answers

Serve PWA on local network without showing or disabling unsecured connection warning?

Goal serve a PWA (progressive web application) build using Vuetify (VueJS) on a local network without showing or disabling unsafe network warning Setup PWA is built (dist) and ready to deploy The device is serving a shared Wi-Fi network (…
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Hosting github releases on private network

I have couple of NPM packages that requires binary files during it's installing process. (For example, during node-sass installation scripts, the package requires a binary file that could be found on node-sass releases page). My team is working on…
1 answer

How can I configure private network in vagrant box

Setup: On my laptop, I have windows 10 pro install. On that, I have installed latest virtualbox 5.1.2, latest vagrant 1.9.1 and latest packer 0.12.1. My laptop is highend and with strong configuration. I am on wifi. Purpose: I want to have three…
1 answer

Configuration private network with Vagrant

I'm configuring 3 virtual machines on my desktop with Vagrant. And I wanna build cluster with these 3 VMs. And I wanna configure the IP of these 3 machines in private network and access each VM in my desktop only. The reason of this configuration is…
Jinho Yoo
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Chrome CORS error on request to localhost dev server from remote site

On Friday I had a working dev environment. On Monday I had a broken one. I encountered this error message in the Chrome dev-tools console for all my assets: Access to CSS stylesheet at 'http://localhost:8080/build/app.css' from origin…
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1 answer

DSpace: Java mail doesn't work in the company's network

I set up Dspace to send e-mail using my company's e-mail server, DSpace uses javax.mail to do this. When I try send outside of my company's network the e-mail is sent successfully, but in the company's network the email is not sent. Follows the…
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2 answers

Blocks are not being finalized in a private network

I am following the tutorial on running a basic 2 node private network in substrate. I have used subkey to generate aura and grandpa keys for both of the nodes and added the keys to keystore. I thought I did everything correctly, both of the nodes…
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1 answer

how to use android retrofit2 with nodejs server?

I'm dev-ing using retrofit2 with nodejs server. when I call to node server in android, the log of android show. the request is ended instantly. the result of this address is right. when I go to this address, json result show right. but in android…
1 answer

IPFS private network setup not works

I am trying to create a private network of IPFS with two nodes. Each node is an EC2 instance running on AWS. I generated swarm key and configure my node as follow: "API": "/ip4/", "Announce": [], "Gateway":…
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1 answer

Firebase analytics network connections (url, port, ip addresses)?

Our company will setup mobile devices which use private mobile network (special sim card which blacklist all urls and allow for only specific urls). (Our company has a firewall and it is preventing our enterprise mobile app from sending analytic…
0 answers

How to whitelist google assistant in a private network?

We are calling apis which are hosted in a private network from the actions/ dialogue flow console. The apis are getting 403 as Actions on google/ dialog flow is not whitelisted. To whitelist the same I need an ASN (IP range is not going to work as…
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1 answer

Google Apps Script fetch data from private network (vpn)

I've tried to do use Jira API for my application, but Jira is placed like a private network. UrlFetchApp.fetch responds with a DNS error. How do I resolve this problem ?
0 answers

IPFS issue for number of peers count on WEBUI are shown zero

I have setup a private network of IPFS using two machines A,B. In machine A I added the multi address of machine B and on Machine B I added the address of machine A now everything is running fine on both machines, I can add any file to machine A and…
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