Questions tagged [ipfs]

IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) is a distributed/P2P content and identity-addressed hypermedia distribution protocol.

IPFS logo

The InterPlanetary File System is a hypermedia distribution protocol, addressed by content and identities. It enables the creation of completely distributed applications.

IPFS aims to make the web faster, safer, and more open by connecting all computing devices with the same system of files.

Latest release of IPFS is v0.8.0. Read more about the latest release at

IPFS official documentation:

428 questions
1 answer

Where does IPFS store all the data?

I've been trying to implement and understand the working of IPFS and have a few things that aren't clear. Things i've tried: Implemented IPFS on my system and stored files on it. Even if I delete the files from my system and close the ipfs daemon, I…
Aneesh Kumar
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3 answers

Please run `npm cache clean`

I'm trying to install IPFS from herenpm install ipfs --save and it is giving me the error as npm ERR! tar.unpack error reading /media/FLASH/Tech/IPFS/ipfs npm ERR! addLocal Could not install /media/FLASH/Tech/IPFS/ipfs npm ERR! Linux…
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2 answers

How do I unpin and remove all IPFS content from my machine?

I've added a bunch of files via ipfs add. How do I unpin and remove all of these at once?
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2 answers

Failed to verify dex: Bad method handle type 7

I'm trying to create a test example where I've the contents of a TextView is set to the contents of a file stored in the IPFS. I'm using this repository for my functions: I keep getting what appears to be a…
3 answers

IPFS: How to add a file to an existing folder?

Given a rather large folder, that has already been pushed to the network, and deleted locally. How would a file be added to that folder, without re-downloading the entire folder it?
1 answer

what is the difference between orbitdb (based on IPFS) and gun ?

I'm looking for a decentralized database for my Dapp. I found two helpful solutions orbitdb and gun but I couldn't realize the main difference and which one is more suitable for a social-media-like application that use ethereum smart contract.
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2 answers

What are the differences between IPFS and hyperdrive?

A year ago I attended Munich meetup where I first saw hyperdrive project live, and found it impressive. I also recently stumpled upon IPFS –the InterPlanetary file system– and I wonder about the differences. It's easy to have a lot of repercusion…
1 answer

Handling user profiles in Ethereum DApps

I'm in the process of creating an Ethereum DApp. The DApp consists of users who have associated data like email, name, and a profile picture. I would like to store the contents of the user within IPFS as a JSON object and reference this on chain…
Dondrey Taylor
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2 answers

How to use IPFS from Javascript app without running ipfs node?

I have javascript app (ReactJs) which will run as an android hybrid app on mobile devices. I do not want to run full IPFS node on a mobile device, because it will consume a lot of its memory and energy. How can I connect my app to IPFS then? I saw…
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5 answers

How to create an IPFS compatible multihash

I'm trying to create an IPFS compatible mutihash but it is not matching. I am asking here because I have not yet found an example that takes this from hashing to the end result. echo -n multihash > multihash.txt ipfs add multihash.txt added…
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1 answer

How to pipe a readable stream into a URL.createObjectURL without waiting for the whole file?

I know it's doable with mediaSource but media source doesn't support all video formats (like fragmented mp4 for example). Which is a problem because my application doesn't have a server that can fix the file. It's a client side application…
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6 answers

java.lang.NoSuchFieldException error from jacoco

I am trying to run the tests of the kotlin code provided from here : with gradlew I got the error listed below. Could someone tell me what this error means ? > Task :test FAILED Exception in thread "main"…
Emile Achadde
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3 answers

How to run several IPFS nodes on a single machine?

For testing, I want to be able to run several IPFS nodes on a single machine. This is the scenario: I am building small services on top of IPFS core library, following the Making your own IPFS service guide. When I try to put client and server on…
Long Hoang
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1 answer

Decentralized chat application using IPFS

I am writing a decentralized chat application using nodejs, expressjs, angularjs, and ipfs.I am using libp2p to form the nodes that will communicate with each other over an open connection. Libp2p is a networking stack modularized out of…
Varun Agarwal
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1 answer

What is the connection between ipfs pin and MFS?

There are two concepts in IPFS, the connection of which is not very clear to me: IPFS pin and IPFS MFS. As I understand it, ipfs pin allows you to keep content on your node, protecting it from being automatically removed by the garbage collector. In…
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