Questions tagged [post-processing]

272 questions
4 answers

boolean variables posted through AJAX being treated as strings in server side

Following is a part of an AJAX functionality to add classes and packs to session cart:- The jquery part function addClassToCart(itemId) { addItemToCart(itemId,true); } function addPackToCart(itemId) { addItemToCart(itemId,false); } function…
Sandeepan Nath
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5 answers

How to read plist information (bundle id) from a shell script

I'd like to write a script that can read info like Bundle Identifier or maybe version number from the Info.plist of the app. Xcode doesn't seem to give that information in it's environment variables. Is there any other way to get them in sh/bash?
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3 answers

PurgeCSS whitelist patterns with TailwindCSS

I am trying to preserve all TailwindCSS colour classes (i.e bg-green, bg-red, text-green, text-red) when it is processed via PurgeCSS. These colour classes are set in the CMS rather than code so we cannot search the code for them as they don't (all)…
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2 answers

Handle OCR / Computer Vision result to match a receipt structure

I'm using Microsoft Computer Vision to read receipts. The result I get is ordered into regions that are grouped by columns, e.g. quantities, product names, amount are in three different regions. I would to prefer if the whole list of products is one…
1 answer

Pyparsing, parsing the contents of php function comment blocks using nested parsers

AKA "Add sub-nodes constructed from the results of a Parser.parseAction to the parent parse tree" I'm trying to parse PHP files using PyParsing (Which rules IMHO) whereby the function definitions have been annotated with JavaDoc style annotations.…
Bryan Hunt
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2 answers

Post-processing to selected meshes

In three.js is it possible to apply postprocessing effects only to selected meshes? For example to have a cube with grain effect while the rest of the scene does not have it. Thank you!
Rui d'Orey
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3 answers

Post-process classifier output in scikit learn Pipeline

I am using a Pipeline in scikit learn to group some preprocessing together with a OneClassSVM as the final classifier. To compute reasonable metrics, I need a post-processing which transforms the -1,1 output of the OneClassSVM to 0 and 1. Is there…
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1 answer

Unity Post-processing PostProcessEffectRenderer shows in Editor but not in build

After adding an implementation of a PostProcessEffectRenderer to the Unity post-processing stack the effect works perfectly in the Unity Editor, but does not show in the built game. Changes to build quality have no effect, effect does not show using…
Jamie Gould
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2 answers

How do I stop EffectComposer from destroying my transparent background?

I want a threejs canvas with a transparent background. I'm creating a renderer like this: # coffeescript r = new THREE.WebGLRenderer alpha: true When I call r.render(), it works as expected, with the objects appearing over a transparent background.…
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1 answer

Get bean post processors in parent bean factory to process beans in child factories

I have a parent bean factory and I'd like a BeanPostProcessor in it to post process beans in child factories. AFAIK, this isn't supported in Spring. What are my alternatives? (except of course to declare the post processor in the XML of each child…
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1 answer

How to post-process HTML to add "target blank" to all links in Ruby?

How to post-process HTML to add "target blank" to all links in Ruby? I am currently using Rinku (gem) to auto-link text, and that works great. However, I am post-processing HTML and some links are already links, and therefore are not processed with…
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0 answers

Post action (copy files) after compile/build in "Visual Studio Code"

I write TypeScript/JavaScript for SharePoint. Because VSC can't open folders in WebDAV directly (gives an error), I have to develop on my PC, compile the code and copy manually (via batch file) the files to a SharePoint library. Question: How can I…
2 answers

How can I get the last match in regular extracor expression in jmeter?

I would like to extract the last occurence of regular expression in Jmeter. I used Regular Extractor expression to do this, but I can't got the last occurence. I tried this : Regular expression: "var1":([^"]+),"var2" Template : $1$ Match No : …
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2 answers

Paperclip save images as jpg with white background

I'd like to know how to convert png and gif files with alpha channel to jpg with white background with paperclip I tried this but, it doesn't work has_attached_file( :photo, :whiny => false, :styles => { :medium => ["300x300>",…
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1 answer

Basic OCR PostProcessing (Spelling corrector)

I'm setting up a server to do a lot of automated OCR using tesseract, and I want to do some postprocessing of the results. There are a LOT of resources about this on the theoretical side, but I haven't found much on the practical side. I imagine…
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