Questions tagged [pose]

46 questions
0 answers

Compute pose / transformation matrix (rotation and translation) from gps location and (roll, pitch, yaw) for KITTI raw dataset

I'm trying to compute the relative pose between two frames in a video from KITTI raw dataset. The oxts data provides lat, lon, alt, roll, pitch, yaw for each of the frames. How can I convert this data into a transformation matrix (rotation matrix…
Nagabhushan S N
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2 answers

Apply motion to react component Framer-Motion

I know that I can apply motion directly to element/HTMLtag like this: some content
But how can I apply it to this? Without wrapping it inside another HTML element, like in React-Transition-Group library. Framer API…
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1 answer

How to manipulate individual bones of a 3d model in react native?

I would like to display a 3d model of a skeleton (human body), using React Native. Then if I would like to set the position of specific bones of the human body, I would like to call a function like: setPosition(3dmodelObject,boneId,yaw,pitch…
Rahul Iyer
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0 answers

"How to place a node in previously recorded position (x,y,z) also in 'same direction'"

I am reading an Augmented image which is in STATIC position; on augmented image match I am placing multiple renderable in ARSceneView as nodes also recording local and world position of respective nodes. Then we try to place the nodes/renderables…
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0 answers

What is the proper syntax for shimming a method with optional parameters using Pose?

I'm trying to use I have a method in another assembly that looks like this (VB.NET): Public Class Item Parent Public Function GetItems( ByVal Optional a As Integer = 0, ByVal…
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1 answer

Video Input (Instead of Webcam) for Posenet P5.js

I'm attempting to create a networked program that draws using a specific part of the body using P5.js, and Posenet within ML5.js. I've successfully created the networked model which uses a live camera feed using createCapture(VIDEO) in setup as seen…
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0 answers

Intel realsense T265 pose configuration C API

I am trying to create a simple pose data app using Intel realsense with T265. Since C examples database is very limited I am really struggling to start with this API. Anyway here's my code: /* Include the librealsense C header files */ #include…
0 answers

tensorflow-models/posenet in node js document.getElementById null

I am new to js and nodejs. I have done a pose estimation using posenet I have tried the posenet inside the HTML code and everything is working as expected