Questions tagged [popviewcontroller]

146 questions
3 answers

Unable to go back through a navigation controller to a VC of another navigation controller using Swift

As you can see below, the notificationsVC is a part of the TabBarController which is embedded in a navigationContoller(lets call it first nC). Then theres a segue from notificationsVC to the second navigationController which will show the…
1 answer

popViewController not working in NSURLSessionDataTask block in iOS

I have created request and I want to popView when i will get success message in response. Here is my code : NSURLSession *session = [NSURLSession sharedSession]; NSString *baseURLRequest = [NSString…
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iOS: how to detect if viewcontroller appears after pop or dismiss

I have a view controller VC1 and I am doing following two operations on it: Push another view controller VC2 from VC1's navigation controller by calling [VC1.navigationController pushViewController: animated:YES]; Present another view controller…
1 answer

iOS8 : When Keyboard appear and press Back button, at that time next view appear very slow

I have ViewController (v2) with the UITextView . I pushed that view from the viewController (V1). On V2 When I tap on textview and keyboard appear after that tap on back button and move on V1. I repeat this process 15 to 20 time and notice that my…
Rigel Networks
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0 answers

Override navigation controller back button

I have a UIViewController called detailViewController that I push to from homeViewController. In detailViewController there is a container that will display subview A, B and C. If I tap the back button in the navigation bar, the navigation pops to…
1 answer

reusing the same UITableViewController

I have a tableviewcontroller that needs to drill down and show 3 layers of data. I have no problem drilling down but when I go back, the cells and table become empty. I'm currently using storyboard and I didn't have this problem when I was using…
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popViewControllerAnimated from back button

How can I popview from back button pressed, i passed the below code from previous view controller. Thanks self.navigationItem.backBarButtonItem = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Back" style:UIBarButtonItemStyleBordered …
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navigationController popViewController not working perfect

I have a small issue. When i click on back button it goes to previous page. - (IBAction)backToHome:(id)sender { testingViewClicked = @"NO"; [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; } It works fine. When i click on refresh…
1 answer

Popview after dismiss modal view controller in swift

I have a navigation controller A on which i push the view controller B. From B i present modally the view controller C. After I dismiss C, I tried back to A. Therefore the Navigation flow is A->B -> (present ModalView) -> C. I tried without success…
Aditya Dharma
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1 answer

Popping view controller immediately after pushing it

I want the view controller to check something, and if it's true it would allow the user to use the view controller, and if it's false it would show an alert to the user and send the user back where he/she came from. So I tried adding this to an…
Fares K. A.
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3 answers

how to send data back with dismissViewController

i have 2 views in iPhone application. FirstViewController and MultiSelectViewController. in FirstViewController there is a button to go to MultiSelectViewController. In MultiSelectViewController i have a tableviewcontroller to multiselect and send…
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1 answer

background methods are not stopping after viewWillDisappear/ Dealloc

First of all Check This to understand what i am doing I did not get my answer in above question & still waiting for it. Now new porblem is that when i click on back button using following code, methods of last ViewController are still running. It…
1 answer

UIViewController navigation - Finishing up a navigation transition in an unexpected state. Navigation Bar subview tree might get corrupted

In my app I use navigation controller to traverse between various viewcontrollers. I have view controllers A,B,C,D and E. I use push and pop to go back and forth. The issue is when the app is launched, I am able to traverse through the view…
Timothy Rajan
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1 answer

prevent ios7 pan gesture to pop view controller

iOS 7 has introduced pan gesture to popViewController. It introductes problems with the sidebar that I am using so I want to prevent this new function of ios7. How can I cancel that behaviour? Thanks in advance
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2 answers

How to dismiss UIAlertView when its parent view popped from outside?

I have showed an alert view locally in an function call like this... UIAlertView *alert_local = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:nil message:@"Are you sure want to…
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