Questions tagged [popviewcontroller]

146 questions
2 answers

How to get UIBarButtonItem to call "pushViewControllerAnimated:(BOOL)" to the UINavigationController?

I'm trying to get a sort of "left to right" hierarchical navigation going, with the UINavigationController. I'm using this code: -(IBAction)showSettings:(id)sender { UINavigationController *aNavController = [[UINavigationController alloc]…
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How to change stuff in parent view, when calling popViewControllerAnimated:

I have a navigationControll with several views. Everything works properly. I now want to show an alert in the parent view, after i call the method [self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES]; in the child view. I configured the alert…
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iOS UIPopoverController delegate not working, remains nil

I have followed several tutorials/examples/answers, etc., to try and have a Cancel button within a popoverController use the delegate method to dismiss the popover (itself). I have had no luck and I'm stuck. Below are the pertinent code snippets. I…
Tom Redman
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IPhone Segmented Control Tapping

Is it allowed to switch to different screens (like popViewController / pushViewController) when we tap the segments of segmented control? or do we have to stay in the same screen and change the views?
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popViewControllerAnimated: called on UINavigationController while an existing transition or presentation is occurring

I have a tableview, and as soon as anyone presses a cell, the viewcontroller should pop. This is the code for my tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didSelectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) method: override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView,…
4 answers

(Swift) popping back to navigation controller

I will describe what I want to do. I have 3 viewControllers. The first one should be navigation one, and I think I have made mistake there in code. First VC leads to Second, and the second VC leads to Third VC.The third one has got a button which…
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Popping View from UIAlertView Alert

I have a 5-6 view controllers in my application and I am using navigation controller for that. Now what I am trying to do is : From entering one view controller to another, a UIAlertView box comes and on clicking "No", it should pop the view…
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Pop to next viewController in ios

I used this code : self.navigationController?.popToViewController(vc, animated: true) By using this it is poping to view controller but tableView is not loading at a time,i need to go back and come again then it is loading. This code : let vc =…
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I want to pop my view from particular view but it works like LIFO

i am using navigation based application but i want to pop my view from any of the view i want but it always work like LIFO, what i can do? Is it possible in iPhone ,If it is possible then help me.. I am using this code for pop my…
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How to pop ViewController to root when connected to navigation controller

Im trying to call popToRootViewController function from a view controller that is connected to a navigationController. When i removed that navigationController im able to go to my RootViewController. But if there is a navigation controller connected…
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Memory leak when pushing a UIViewController

Each time I push a new viewcontroller, it adds about 3MB. TestVC is a brand new VC with one method for pushing a new version of the VC. UIViewController *vc = [[TestVC alloc] initWithNibName:nibName bundle:nil]; [self.navigationController…
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How can I popViewController to rootViewController?

Let me specific. I have three XIBs. From the first XIB i used pushViewController and got into the second. From the button click in second XIB i got into the third. The thing is, On the click of Cancel button in third ViewController I have to go the…
3 answers

How to go back to the initial ViewController the right way?

I have a few view controllers with navigation bar and tab bar. Then I have an initial view controller with no navigation bar and tab bar. I want to go back to the initial view controller with no other view controllers in stack. Here's what I do: //…
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Adding New viewcontroller to current stack

I am inserting a ViewController into my current stack. And trying to perform popviewcontroller like this. var viewControllersArray: [UIViewController] = self.navigationController!.viewControllers if(dm.isLoginViewLoaded) { …
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Unable to find strong reference to an object using instrument - XCode 8

Let's say I have root view controller A. Then I push view controller B. But after pop B, its not getting released (checked using dealloc method, which is not getting called upon popViewController. Please correct me if I'm wrong). I've done lot of…
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