Questions tagged [polyhedra]

80 questions
2 answers

How to convert the half-spaces that constitute a convex hull to a set of extreme points?

I have a convex set in a Euclidean space (3D, but would like answers for nD) that is characterized by a finite set of half-spaces (normal vector + point). Is there a better algorithm to find the extreme points of the convex set other than compute…
Gyro Gearloose
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3 answers

Determining if a point is inside a polyhedron

I'm attempting to determine if a specific point lies inside a polyhedron. In my current implementation, the method I'm working on take the point we're looking for an array of the faces of the polyhedron (triangles in this case, but it could be other…
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3 answers

Calculation of centroid & volume of a polyhedron when the vertices are given

Given the location of vertices of a convex polyhedron (3D), I need to calculate the centroid and volume of the polyhedron. Following code is available at Mathworks site. function C = centroid(P) k=convhulln(P); if length(unique(k(:)))
John Smith
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2 answers

Projecting points from 4d-space into 3d-space in Mathematica

Suppose we have a set of points with the restriction that for each point all coordinates are non-negative, and the sum of coordinates is equal to 1. This restricts points to lie in a 3-dimensional simplex so it makes sense to try to map it back into…
Yaroslav Bulatov
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1 answer

Smallest Rectangular Box that surrounds a polyhedron

I'm looking for an algorithm that finds the smallest box enclosing a polyhedron. My idea is as follows: find the largest side, and move the solid so that side aligns with the x axis. Find the next largest side that meets this side, and align it as…
2 answers

How do I determine if a polyhedron is convex?

I'm looking for an efficient algorithm that determines if a polyhedron is convex. I started by checking that the Euler characteristic is 2. And I'm also checking that every face is convex. But that still doesn't catch a lot of cases.
Charles Taylor
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2 answers

Delaunay triangularization of Polyhedron (Python)

I'm trying to get the Delaunay Triangulation of a polyhedron in python so that I can calculate the centroid. I see that there is a Delaunay function in scipy.spatial and that it works in n-dimensions. The trouble is that the documentation shows 2D…
Steven Walton
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2 answers

How to Combine Polyhedra?

Suppose I have a 2 Polyhedrons, partially overlapping in space. Each is defined by a list of connected Polygons, which in turn are defined by lists of line segments, (which are defined by 2 points). Is there a simple algorithm for creating the…
1 answer

MATLAB: Calculate volume of concave polyhedron from set of scattered 3D points

I have 20 to 30 randomly generated 3D points as vertices from which a polyhedron is defined. I have tried using DelaunayTri(points) to enumerate the facets and use the determinant of the cross product to calculate and sum the tetrahedral volumes,…
3 answers

What is the *fastest* algorithm for detecting intersection between polyhedra?

Say there are n 3-dimensional objects (polyhedra). Is the fastest way to calculate the intersection of all objects O(n ^ 2)? Right now, I'm using a library that essentially forces T(n) to equal n ^ 2: for each object: // there are n objects get…
1 answer

Exact Medial Axis, Surfaces, Skeletonizations of 3D Polyhedra

I am interested in finding software to compute the exact medial axis (or your term of choice!) of a 3D polyhedra. I imagine the output would be a list of triangular faces, possibly edges, and vertices, representing the junctions, sheets, and seams…
1 answer

calculating outward normal of a non-convex polyhedral

If all nodes of a polyhedron (may be non-convex) and their coordinates are known, the points of a face are given in order (anti-clockwise or clockwise around the outward normal), how do I obtain the outward normal vector of each face? Here is a…
Y. Zhong
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3 answers

OpenGL Icosahedron Texture Mapping

I've got currently no solution for texture mapping an icosahedron without a seam from pole to pole. The texture mapping of this primitive seems to be a common problem, which is not completely solved yet. I've made a lot of research and I've tried a…
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1 answer

Given set of points, how to generate polyhedron in Javascript

I am doing a WEBGL visualization project in material science. What I am trying to accomplish right now is that, I have a set of 3D coordinates of atoms. They are bonded together. I would like to create a polyhedron for each molecule. I noticed that…
3 answers

How do I break a polyhedron into tetrahedra in MATLAB?

I have a polyhedron, with a list of vertices (v) and surfaces (s). How do I break this polyhedron into a series of tetrahedra? I would particularly like to know if there are any built-in MATLAB commands for this.
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