Questions tagged [phpbb3]

The third version of the phpBB forum software, now powered by symfony framework.

phpBB is a free flat-forum bulletin board software solution that can be used to stay in touch with a group of people or can power your entire website.

phpBB 3 is the third version of the software, released in 2008. Its powerful features and user-friendly interface make it easy to use for new and veteran users. Currently, there are two major releases of phpBB 3, 3.0.x and 3.1.x.

phpBB 3.1.x version is now powered by Symfony Framework, using BrowserKit, Config, Console, CssSelector, Debug, DependencyInjection, DomCrawler, EventDispatchern, Filesystem, Finder, HttpFoundation, HttpKernel, Process, Routing and Yaml components.


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463 questions
1 answer

Full phpbb3 integration

How to integrate phpbb3 with site, not the login/registration form, i want to integrate the whole forum to the place of the template site.The forum to be in the site template.
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codeigniter phpbb3 library style integration

How to integrate the whole forum with the library in to my site page? I want my site page, to be around the forum. For example i have hader, footer, menu and etc. for the site, and somewhere to be the forum in it?
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2 answers

how to login into phpbb software by passing username and pwd via url

I have installed the phpbb software and i am new to it, if a user access the forum via url like Where can i find the session variables like user name and…
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phpbb deleted all inactive users now can't login

I had 45K inactive users on my phpbb3 board. Went on to delete them from mysql (erased all that had user_new=1). Now I can't login, and the board shows no forums. No idea how to get all the forums and the login back without resorting to restore the…
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PHP variables are showing up with blank results

PHP newbie, so pardon the ease of this question. Why are the php variables showing up blank? Is there a hosting issue or something? Am I learning outdated info? I using the following html method: Nickname: Fullname: Memo: Along with php…
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Phpbb3.1 MyIsam database corrupted

everyone! I'm trying to avoid breaking of my database in the phpbb3.1 forum. It was crushed twice this month. So I have two questions: 1) Is it safe to convert MyISAM to InnoDB? I mean will extensions work fine? Will forum be workable after…
young B
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How to get a field from a result set and print as a string to the page (php/mysql/phpbb)

Im trying to make a custom function for my forum based on php. I have my index landing style page separate to my phpbb forums. I am trying to display the latest registered users username, as part of a statistics type widget for the home page. I have…
1 answer

Uncaught ReferenceError: writeHTML is not defined

Sorry my English, I am of another nationality I have a code in js but unfortunately it does not work because of this warning How to fix it and make it work, thank you You're right, excuse me, here's the full code, i included this script in phpBB…
1 answer

Trying to place avatar on every page in PHPbb Forum. Only showing up in index page... any ideas?

The website that im trying to make it work on is The way I get it to show up on the index page is adding this code to the core index.php page right below this: // Assign index specific vars 'S_AVATAR' => get_user_avatar( …
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importing a text dump impossible due to slash comments

i exported a phpbb3.2 forum with the vanilla2 forum exporter. i got a nice export.txt.gz extracted it, and tried to import the 40Mo file with the command line into my "test" database: mysql -uroot -p test < export_forum_2016-12-31_054650.txt Enter …
Ty Kayn
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phpBB custom fields a href

I am using custom style on my rpg type forum and I wanted to add simple button using custom fields that will redirect you to character sheet (which is a thread). This button can be viewed in meberlist.php?mode=viewprofile which is simply preview of…
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My Php Script Error

i have a script named remauth.php it connects to phpbb database and use some information of users. its code:
1 answer

LDAP failing to bind

We have been using LDAP on a phpBB install for about 3 months now, went to login today and received a "Could not connect to LDAP server." error. I know my LDAP configuration in phpBB is correct and has not changed. I am still able to connect from my…
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phpBB3 add sound on button click

for a Halloween special I'd like to add spooky sounds when pressing "Post Reply", "New Topic" or even when clicking on smilies. However I don't know how and where phpBB handles button clicks. Is it even possible? One problem I can imagine is that…
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How to integrate phpBB with yii 2.0

For yii 1.1 ,proper documentation is there but for yii 2.0 they specified nothing. - for yii 1.1 If any have answer please reply.
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