Questions tagged [phpbb3]

The third version of the phpBB forum software, now powered by symfony framework.

phpBB is a free flat-forum bulletin board software solution that can be used to stay in touch with a group of people or can power your entire website.

phpBB 3 is the third version of the software, released in 2008. Its powerful features and user-friendly interface make it easy to use for new and veteran users. Currently, there are two major releases of phpBB 3, 3.0.x and 3.1.x.

phpBB 3.1.x version is now powered by Symfony Framework, using BrowserKit, Config, Console, CssSelector, Debug, DependencyInjection, DomCrawler, EventDispatchern, Filesystem, Finder, HttpFoundation, HttpKernel, Process, Routing and Yaml components.


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463 questions
1 answer

When a file is uploaded from php uploader WinSCP is unable to modify it

If a file is uploaded or created in any way by a php file I cannot modify it, however I can delete it. This is really irritating. P.S.: All of the files that have been created or uploaded have been done with phpBB 3.0.11
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1 answer

phpbb3 curl login

I'm trying to make an autologin bot for phpbb 3.0.10 with curl. The forum returns "You have been successfully logged in." but after that when i try to go to another page in the site and get the source with file_get_contents or even if i wait the…
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1 answer

Javascript malware injection, how did I get it and how do I decrypt it?

For some reason I have yet to find out all .html and .php files on my server have been altered to include the following Javascript (I have beautified it with