Questions tagged [phpbb3]

The third version of the phpBB forum software, now powered by symfony framework.

phpBB is a free flat-forum bulletin board software solution that can be used to stay in touch with a group of people or can power your entire website.

phpBB 3 is the third version of the software, released in 2008. Its powerful features and user-friendly interface make it easy to use for new and veteran users. Currently, there are two major releases of phpBB 3, 3.0.x and 3.1.x.

phpBB 3.1.x version is now powered by Symfony Framework, using BrowserKit, Config, Console, CssSelector, Debug, DependencyInjection, DomCrawler, EventDispatchern, Filesystem, Finder, HttpFoundation, HttpKernel, Process, Routing and Yaml components.


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463 questions
1 answer

What is "a" correct way to integrate a Zend2 application with PHPBB3 authentication?

Ok, this is a bit complicated, so bear with me. I'm running a PHPBB Forum for some time now and my goal is to create a Zend2 PHP Application using its User Administration and Authentication Features instead of building up a completely new…
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0 answers

MathJaX and phpbb 3.1 version

Here is the issue. I want to integrate MathJaX into my phpbb 3.1 installation version but apparently placing the java script of mathjax in the overall_footer does not seem to do the trick. Instead I get an error message saying something about LeXer…
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1 answer

Authenticate user against PhPbb database

Recently I have started implementing a solution which will use a PhPbb database for forms authorization, I have used the class from this below thread: PhPbb C# Authentication Port So i wrote a membership provider using this class in the…
Alex Hope O'Connor
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4 answers

Loading phpBB in Laravel code conflicts

I am trying to access some of the functions within phpBB from my Laravel application, this is for actions such as adding a user when a registration happens on my main site and autologins. PhpBB is installed under /public/forums and I have updated…
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4 answers

Parse BB code for PHPBB3

Looking to parse BB code in PHP using PHPBB3's functions. I've got this far:
Tom Gullen
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1 answer

phpBB remote file upload

I want to be able to upload a remote file to my server through phpbb without having the file downloaded to my PC first. How can this be achieved? I have some simple code that I have tested and it does the job, but where can I put it and what do I…
Jizbo Jonez
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3 answers

Is it safe to store plaintext passwords in MySQL *temporarily*?

A little bit of background -- I run a game server that runs in Java, and a forum that runs in PHP (phpbb). I have the game and forum accounts linked, such that changing the password in the game automatically changes the password for the forum…
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1 answer

phpBB3 auto-login

I've integrated a phpbb3 forum to my already existing website. I've been able to make my registration process add the user to the phpbb db as well. Now i'm facing a problem where I am trying to get the user to auto-login to the forum when he logs in…
Or Weinberger
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1 answer

Load Joomla 3.x Framework and Modules in external PHP file

I am migrating my Joomla 2.5 site to Joomla 3.3. Now I'm struggling with loading the joomla framework and displaying a module in a phpbb-Template. Loading the Joomla framework worked fine in Joomla 2.5 with this code: define( '_JEXEC', 1…
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2 answers

Integrate CodeIgniter with phpBB3 User System

Is there a way to integrate CodeIgniter with phpBB3? I would like to use the user system as a base for my future CodeIgniter Application. Is it a good idea to use phpBB as a base user system?
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1 answer

phpbb issue: Sorry but this board is currently unavailable

I am new to phpbb. Just installed now, but now I get this "Sorry but this board is currently unavailable." on each link. What should I do now?
2 answers

Google Translate BUTTON producing odd results on some pages

UPDATE: even though I've put a bounty here, the answers provided are not even slightly helpful so save yourself the time and move on... sorry. My URL is:!f%3D46%26t%3D35678 Click the "Translate" button offered…
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2 answers

nginx -> php5-fpm: Error in php not logged (anywhere!)

I am attempting to set up phpbb on an EC2 server. After an hour or so of despair I found that a particular line in the phpbb startup is failing: $db->sql_connect($dbhost, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbname, $dbport, false, defined('PHPBB_DB_NEW_LINK') ?…
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1 answer

The provided value for the input parameter 'redirect_uri' is not valid

I keep receiving this error from windows live The provided value for the input parameter 'redirect_uri' is not valid. The expected value is '' or a URL which matches the redirect Why do I keep…
Damien Keitel
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1 answer

Creating a forum in phpBB3 from PHP and settings permissions

I'm attempting to create a new forum on an existing forum. I can create the new forum quite easily and view it from the admin console. The problem is I need it to show up at the front end as well for users. This is done via permissions. What I am…
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