Questions tagged [pervasive]

Pervasive PSQL is an ACID-compliant DBMS developed by Actian Corporation.

Actian Zen Embedded Database is a hybrid-NoSQL/relational database for superfast transactions and standard SQL access.

Actian Zen offers full security, encryption, management and monitoring tools, plus a host of other features.

Actian Zen Embedded database is built for environments where users don’t have the resources to manage a database.

Actian Zen enables ISVs to take advantage of new hardware architecture, OS platforms, and computing environments (64-bit, multi-core, VM, Cloud) without application changes.

Official product documenation can be found here.

Actian forum for Actian Zen can be found here.

258 questions
2 answers

How to convert °& to readable date?

I am converting a database that was made in the 80's and it seems that the date for some tables is stored as characters. There are 2 columns of data. The first column has data formatted like this: °& C2 024 The second column is a plain text…
Peter Black
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5 answers

How to set encoding for pervasive database via ODBC in PHP?

I developed a PHP script which should connect to a pervasive database system: $connection_string = "Driver={Pervasive ODBC Client Interface};ServerName=;dbq=@test"; $conn = odbc_connect($connection_string,"administrator","password"); If I…
Tobias Bambullis
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2 answers

Export query result in Pervasive to txt / csv file

I'm using Pervasive 10 with PCC (Pervasive Control Center) and I need to export a lot of results (over 100 000) to a TXT file.I know it's possible "Execute in Text" but this feature does not work for me because after exporting about 20 000 records…
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3 answers

What's a 'pervasive database'?

I'm sorry, but this keyword doesn't mean anything to me... Can someone give me a definition? Thanks in advance...
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2 answers

SQL Server 20XX - "encryption not supported on the client" when compiling stored procedure with linked server query

Attempting to compile a stored procedure in SSMS, which contains an open query to a linked server. The linked server is connected and in my 'Server Objects/Linked Servers' folder. I can do the open query in a query tab, but when the same query is…
Justin Russo
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3 answers

Pervasive ODBC access from PHP on Linux?

Can anyone give me an example of querying a Pervasive PSQL database from PHP on a remote Linux machine? Pervasive claims PHP can access it, but their examples use Windows COM objects, which isn't available on Linux, and the first "PHP DTO…
Keith Palmer Jr.
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1 answer

SSIS Unable to Cast COM OBJECT

I'm working on an SSIS package just to copy data from remote server to local database. For Data Source, Pervasive connection is used while destination is OLE DB. However, it pops this error once I open the package from solution explorer: I did…
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7 answers

SQL statement with LIKE

I would like to select all records that have an underscore character in their 11th character, so i try this: SELECT * FROM "BOM_SUB_LEVEL" where TOP_CODE like '%%%%%%%%%%_%%%' but this doesnt work as expected, can someone help?
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1 answer

Pervasive ODBC on Linux Error [01000][unixODBC][Driver Manager]Can't open lib '/usr/local/psql/lib/' : file not found

I'm attempting to get Pervasive v10 client ODBC working on Centos 6. As I've learned, there is no 64 bit ODBC client so I have to use the 32 bit one. I've finally gotten it to install without error but attempting usage gives the following: # isql -v…
Tim Duncklee
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1 answer

Using parameterized SQL with LIKE in WHERE clause (Pervasive SQL)

I have a Pervasive database that I connect to using C++. All my queries so far is parameterized, i.e "SELECT USER.NAME FROM USER WHERE USER.ID = ?", and that works fine. But in a search query I use LIKE in the WHERE clause, and then it seems I…
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5 answers

How to convert REAL48 float into a double

I am connecting to a Pervasive SQL database which splits some data over two fields. DOUBLE fields are actually split into fieldName_1 and fieldName_2 where _1 is a 2 byte int and _2 is a 4 byte int. I want to take these values and convert them using…
Alexander Holsgrove
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1 answer

open source music streaming api

I would like to stream music (not random, specific...e.g if i want megadeth - peace sells i should be able to stream it) to the clients from the server. grooveshark came to my mind first, but it doesn't have an open api that i can use. do you know…
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1 answer

Select max date row from results

Using Pervasive SQL, I have a result set: Tp_No Name State Eff_Date Actual Billed 1006 ABC TN 2006-07-01 .1 .5 1006 ABC TN 2008-02-15 .27 .6 1006 ABC …
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2 answers

Pervasive SQL query

Does anyone have a query to search all columns in all tables in a Pervasive database for a specific value? I am struggling to find any info on this. Seems easy to do in sql server but not with Pervasive.
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4 answers

SQL Selecting record with highest ID

I have a issue with some SQL that I can't wrap my head around a solution. Right now the query I am running basically is: SELECT Q.ID, Q.STATUS, C.LASTNAME, C.FIRSTNAME, C.POSTAL, C.PHONE FROM QUEUE Q LEFT OUTER JOIN CUSTOMER C ON Q.ID =…
Jose Quervo
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