Questions tagged [pervasive]

Pervasive PSQL is an ACID-compliant DBMS developed by Actian Corporation.

Actian Zen Embedded Database is a hybrid-NoSQL/relational database for superfast transactions and standard SQL access.

Actian Zen offers full security, encryption, management and monitoring tools, plus a host of other features.

Actian Zen Embedded database is built for environments where users don’t have the resources to manage a database.

Actian Zen enables ISVs to take advantage of new hardware architecture, OS platforms, and computing environments (64-bit, multi-core, VM, Cloud) without application changes.

Official product documenation can be found here.

Actian forum for Actian Zen can be found here.

258 questions
2 answers

SQL Select where two particular items not sold on same date to same customer

I'm trying to get all orders where item of type A is on the order, but item of type B is not also on the order. Unfortunately, the table structure has some deficiencies which make this a little more difficult than I thought it would be. DB Issues:…
Josh Noe
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F# Query Exception, "unrecognized method call value"

Q: What does the following exception mean? System.Exception: 'unrecognised method call…
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SQL replace function

I would like to replace characters within my WHERE statement that have the first character of S, right now all i have is the following: WHERE i1.CODE = REPLACE(i2.CODE, 'S', 'U') but this would replace all S's with U's. I just wish to replace the S…
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Determining the start and end range of bytes changed in a file

I'm working on a little experimental utility to use within our company that indexes notes stored in our custom CRM software for full-text searching. These notes are stored in a Btrieve database (a file called NOTES.DAT). It's possible to connect to…
David Brown
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What purpose does a .DDF file have?

Hey can someone tell me what the Field, File and Index .ddf files do in pervasive. Do they have to changed or be updated when a table definition changes? Any insight would be GREATLY appreciated. Cheers.
Jose Quervo
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2 answers

SQL Case() casts results as integer

Working with a Pervasive SQL database, I have a complex SQL SELECT statement that contains the following: CASE l."Position" WHEN 3 THEN "PIC" WHEN 4 THEN "SIC" WHEN 22 THEN "FA" ELSE '' END AS…
Stephen R
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1 answer

The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "(null)" could not UPDATE table "[MSDASQL]". Unknown provider error with Pervasive

The connection is working because I can select the table but when updating getting following error message with Microsoft SQL Server 2012. Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line 4 The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server "(null)" reported an…
1 answer

Pervasive Date Comparison

I am a newbie to Pervasive and I am trying to fetch all records from Patient table where the Date of birth of Patient is not '11/30/0002' The Birthdate is stored in MM/DD/YYYY format in the system Requesting your assistance
Mayur K
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Pervasive SQL german Umlauts Problem

I'm using the Pervasive SQL - ADO.NET 3.5 DataProvider for retrieving data out of the PSQL DB and I've noticed that the german umlauts (äöüÄÖÜ etc.) are not represented correctly in the PSQLDataReader, but in the Pervasive Control Center (similar to…
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1 answer

Pervasive SQL ignoring Order By after Group By

I have a query where i need to group sales by sales rep then client (and currently it is ordered alphabetically sales rep then client) that part work perfectly, but the request recently came that i must sort the query SalesRep (alphabetically),…
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Pervasive The OLE DB provider "MSDASQL" for linked server reported an error. The provider reported an unexpected catastrophic failure.

MSSQL 2016 link to a Pervasive server. It can see the DBs on the Pervasive database, and tables but when you do a select SELECT * FROM OPENQUERY(LinkedServer, 'SELECT * FROM DB.Table') I get Msg 7399, Level 16, State 1, Line…
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Updating a field within a table based on a field within the same table

HI ALL I wish to update a row within my table from a row within that same table, I have a table called INVENTORY. it stores PRICES for products. I have SALES codes and I have STOCK codes which are related. I wish to transfer all the PRICING from…
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3 answers

Pervasive dval stores dates as integer in days from 01/01/0001. I need a function to convert it for sql server

I need help. Pervasive DB stored dates in days. For example 719311 would be the amount of days from 01/01/0001 to May 28 1970. So May 28 1970 is the date represented in pervasive when looking at 719311.
2 answers

What is meant by Distributed Systems AND Pervasive Middleware and Services

What is meant by 1) Distributed Systems 2) Pervasive Middleware and Services. What technologies are involved, and what programming languages might be used for them ( as they are included in the program structure of a postgraduate course )?
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ETL - Pervasive to SQL Server

I am a SQL Server developer and I have been asked to write some stored procedures to be used to connect a database (Pervasive) to the website. I was completely unfamiliar with Pervasive before this was asked of me, so I though the best thing to do…
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