Questions tagged [passwords]

Passwords are primarily used as a way of accessing information and also limiting the number of users who can get access to a machine. It is primarily used with a username for the authorization system. Sometimes people use keys instead of passwords due to the increased strength of the keys.

Passwords or Pass Phrases are a that is used to help lockout people who do not know this string from using a persons account or computer. They have almost always been used since computers were first connected with each other as a way of making sure that each user had the ability to know that their account on the computer or network was not going to be taken over by a peer worker who had something against them. It also makes sure that only the person who knows a person's user-name and password can get into their account and change things that they have access to.

On websites and other web-based services passwords are used to make sure that anyone trying to connect to the site or service is who they say they are. In addition to a user-name which may be a another string or the person's email, it makes the server that the person who is trying to login(gain authorization to the site or service) more likely to trust them and allow them to gain access to it.

Storing a password should never be done in plain text, this means that the passwords are stored exactly as they were typed by the user. You should use a functions that are is available in almost every web programming language, and thus is the best way to store a users password since it uses one-way encryption which means that no one can get the password back without first attempting to guess it repeatedly, also known as "bruteforcing".

alone still discloses that the two passwords are the same (as they would have the same hash value). To avoid this, a known random string (salt) can be hashed together. Salt can be stored openly (next to the hashed value) as it is not a password, just makes the password hash-code different.

It is still better to protect such table as much as possible as (assuming the hashing algorithm is known) the attacker can use it with his own program to probe a big number of potential passwords in a short time. Probing the real system is much more difficult as it usually locks or at least forces delay after multiple failed attempts.

A big proportion of currently use passwords are insecure and can be relatively easily guessed (empty, same as username, date of birth, etc). Another problem is that users often use the same password for different sites or applications.

9952 questions
0 answers

Using UITextInputPasswordRules in SwiftUI

I want to use the UITextInputPasswordRules in my SwiftUI Code for validating a password from the user. The Swift code would look like this Codesnippet: let newPasswordTextField = UITextField() newPasswordTextField.passwordRules =…
Jonas Deichelmann
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My .htaccess only works the first time and then gives me error 500

For several days I have been trying to set up .htaccess just for one folder I have on my webserver. I would like it to be password protected. It doesn't have to be super secure just has to have some password protection. However it never works. I…
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1 answer

Check if a login and a password is already in Preferences

I saw some tutorials for auto login for exemple this one link, but when i use the app for the first time, how do i check if the login and password have already been inserted in Preferences Activity ? What condition should i put ?
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2 answers

What API can be used to change windows account information remotely?

What API is available to change windows account passwords remotely? Assuming I have the proper credentials to change the windows accounts, I need to write software that can do so remotely. The software will run on Linux, and so far it appears…
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How to submit login form on

I tried to implement user authentication part on Webflow project. But if I submit the username and password, the Webflow says, password field cannot be submitted. Any suggestions? This kind of work well. But how can I submit the login form? Or do I…
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3 answers

Password hashing: Is this a way to avoid collisions?

I was thinking about using 2 keys for hashing each user password, obtaining 2 different hashes. This way, it would be (almost?) impossible to find a password that works, other than the actual password. Is that right? Is it worth it?
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1 answer

Ubuntu 20.04 set mysql phpmyadmin root password

I installed a LAMP on Ubuntu 20.04. (German) It is always a problem to get the root password to login to the localhost/phpmyadmin. In Ubuntu 18.04 there was a good tutorial (several): SERVER BEENDEN: …
1 answer

Does PostgresSQL have any default password policy?

I've looked around and haven't found the basic Password requirements, if any, for PostgreSQL. That is, chars allowed, length, casing, etc... Will someone please point me to these, if they exist? Thanks
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1 answer

Django password reset confirm

I'm new in Django and really confused. I'm developing a authentication API by using built in rest auth. I want to reset password by API view but the mail link I send redirect me to "password reset confirm" HTML template but I need to redirect this…
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Android 10 (API29) connecting via ConnectivityManager caches password and fails

I've implemented connection to a IoT device via WiFi access point it's providing. I'm using requestNetwork method of ConnectivityManager and I'm providing WifiNetworkSpeficier with SSID pattern and password. Problem is that it looks like API 29 is…
0 answers

How to recover PostgreSQL users password?

I have forgotten postgres password, how can I reset it or get to know the password?
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1 answer

Eliminating Passwords from the JVM Heap

There are various questions and answers about how to manage passwords in Java code - for example, here and here. Discussions tend to focus on the merits of using char[] over String. But are there any ways to avoid passwords being stored in the…
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VUEJS send passwords in axios to API

How can I secure this code ? Because on the inspector of network, we can see the newPassword et acutalPassword. The user write this actual password and this new password for change password, in a vue component (2 input). The button execute an axios…
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2 answers

Password required special char vs Password optional special char

Why is it considered more secure when a password is required to have a special char, upper and lower case letters as-well as numbers? Wouldn't it be more secure to allow instead of require these chars? Let's say someone wants to break the…
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1 answer

How to resolve this "TypeError: pchstr must contain a $ as first char" from node-argon2?

I got that TypeError when I'm trying to verify the password. The hash function works fine, but the verify not! this is the hash result: $argon2i$v=19$m=4096,t=3,p=1$8rKV3QWX0Y8GQ7ChOgVIRw$u+UEaGhG8Rvge4TvG17gnx/6jhdmePh9s7V3aK/asXA this verify…
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