Questions tagged [passwords]

Passwords are primarily used as a way of accessing information and also limiting the number of users who can get access to a machine. It is primarily used with a username for the authorization system. Sometimes people use keys instead of passwords due to the increased strength of the keys.

Passwords or Pass Phrases are a that is used to help lockout people who do not know this string from using a persons account or computer. They have almost always been used since computers were first connected with each other as a way of making sure that each user had the ability to know that their account on the computer or network was not going to be taken over by a peer worker who had something against them. It also makes sure that only the person who knows a person's user-name and password can get into their account and change things that they have access to.

On websites and other web-based services passwords are used to make sure that anyone trying to connect to the site or service is who they say they are. In addition to a user-name which may be a another string or the person's email, it makes the server that the person who is trying to login(gain authorization to the site or service) more likely to trust them and allow them to gain access to it.

Storing a password should never be done in plain text, this means that the passwords are stored exactly as they were typed by the user. You should use a functions that are is available in almost every web programming language, and thus is the best way to store a users password since it uses one-way encryption which means that no one can get the password back without first attempting to guess it repeatedly, also known as "bruteforcing".

alone still discloses that the two passwords are the same (as they would have the same hash value). To avoid this, a known random string (salt) can be hashed together. Salt can be stored openly (next to the hashed value) as it is not a password, just makes the password hash-code different.

It is still better to protect such table as much as possible as (assuming the hashing algorithm is known) the attacker can use it with his own program to probe a big number of potential passwords in a short time. Probing the real system is much more difficult as it usually locks or at least forces delay after multiple failed attempts.

A big proportion of currently use passwords are insecure and can be relatively easily guessed (empty, same as username, date of birth, etc). Another problem is that users often use the same password for different sites or applications.

9952 questions
1 answer

Unzip a password protected zip file with Apache ant?

Is there a way to unzip a password protected zip file directly with ant? Currently I'm calling an external zip tool. But I would prefer an ant-only solution as it does not require any extra tools. (And yes, I do have the password.)
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3 answers

Disable Google Password Manager list out saved passwords in Android?

I am unable to perform my android espresso unit test and it has failed with: // (kotlin…
5 answers

Regex not working for password? not sure why

So I have a regex code to make sure the password is from 4 to 13 characters, it keeps failing public function valid_password($password){ if(preg_match('^.{3,14}^', $password)){ return true; }//end if else{ …
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3 answers

Handling password updates in Java SSL

I have a client-server java application, where communication happens over SSL. Right now I am generating keypairs by hand, but I need a programmatic system for key management. The server maintains a user database, and on the client side I do not…
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3 answers

Change Password in Active Directory using LDAP/PHP/IIS/SSL

First of all, this may be less of a programming question and more of a how do I configure LDAPS question, but here goes... Background Info: I have two Windows 2008 R2 servers. One is a domain controller (DC) with Active Directory (AD) that I want…
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1 answer

How can I get the encrypted password in the auth-manager with PyQGIS?

I'm making a QGIS plugin in which I ask the for authentication object (with QgsProcessingParameterAuthConfig) for the PostgreSQL connection (which is already set in the connecions list of the user). My goal is to take the login and password with…
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1 answer

How to implement hash_hmac properly?

Reading this excellent answer about password hashing and wondering how to implement it: The Wicked Flea wrote: Generate a nonce for each user; this alone defeats the rainbow table. This is a random number that, depending on the range, expands how…
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1 answer

Change password expiration date in Active Directory using VBS

I'm trying to change the password expiration date for a user in Active Directory using VBScript. I have the code to obtain information about a user's password, but I can't find anything about how to change it. Any help would be greatly…
Jesse Roper
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2 answers

How to use a different password in a subdirectory (.htaccess)

Order Deny,Allow AuthUserFile /var/www/subdirectory/.htpasswd AuthName "Authorization Required" AuthType Basic require valid-user ^my .htaccess file. However, the parent directory has a password. I want this directory to ask only for one password…
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3 answers

MySQL validate_password_policy unknown system variable

I'm using MySQL 5.7.25 and i want to increase my MySQL password policy by doing this in MySQL command: SET GLOBAL validate_password_policy=2; But i always get an error: ERROR 1193 (HY000): Unknown system variable 'validate_password_policy' I…
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3 answers

Local PHP Web App, how to protect the database password

I am trying to secure a PHP web application which runs out of a WAMP-style local installation. Currently, passwords for the app's database are just in the .php files. I thought about encrypting them, but any person can just step through the code to…
Dan Chase
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2 answers

How does Argon2id store salts in PHP?

The PHP implementation of Argon2id generates a salt for the developer. How does the application keep track of this salt? As a developer, how do I account for backups and otherwise ensuring that I don't lose the salt?
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1 answer

Why is my iOS App Associated Domain endpoint not being called by Apple?

Following Apple's Password autofill guidelines with App Associated Domains here, I added the apple-app-site-association json file. My app has that site listed as My app's bundle id is which is listed as one…
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2 answers

Is there any way to generate password protected XLSX in NodeJS?

I am looking for an npm package or any other workaround to be able to generate xlsx file with password. I do not want to protect the sheet(s) or cell(s)... I want the whole file password protected. I found few quite good packages (excel4node,…
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2 answers

For security, is it safe to pass new String(char[]) as an argument for passwords to a method that only accepts string as parameter?

I've read that for passwords, it's more ideal to use char[] since Strings are immutable. Problem is, I need to pass a password argument to a third party dependency that invokes an http call. It only accepts strings. The call involves sending in a…
Rigo Sarmiento
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