Questions tagged [packet-loss]

Packet loss is the failure of one or more transmitted packets to arrive at their destination. This event can cause noticeable effects in all types of digital communications.The causes of packet loss include inadequate signal strength at the destination, natural or human-made interference, excessive system noise, hardware failure, software corruption or overburdened network nodes.

Packet loss occurs when one or more packets of data travelling across a computer network fail to reach their destination.
The effects of packet loss:
In data, packet loss produces errors.
In videoconference environments it can create jitter.
In pure audio communications, such as VoIP, it can cause jitter and frequent gaps in received speech.
In the worst cases, packet loss can cause severe mutilation of received data, broken-up images, unintelligible speech or even the complete absence of a received signal.
Packet loss may be measured as frame loss rate defined as the percentage of frames that should have been forwarded by a network load were not forwarded due to lack of resources.

The amount of packet loss that is acceptable depends on the type of data being sent.Anything over 2% packet loss over a period of time is a strong indicator of problems. Most internet protocols can correct for some packet loss, so you really shouldn't expect to see a lot of impact from packet loss until that loss starts to approach 5% and higher. Anything less than this is showing a possible problem, but one that is probably not impacting your experience significantly at present (unless you're an online gamer or something similar that requires 'twitch' reflexes).

133 questions
4 answers

The most reliable and efficient udp packet size?

Would sending lots a small packets by UDP take more resources (cpu, compression by zlib, etc...). I read here that sending one big packet of ~65kBYTEs by UDP would probably fail so I'm thought that sending lots of smaller packets would succeed more…
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What are the chances of losing a UDP packet?

Okay, so I am programming for my networking course and I have to implement a project in Java using UDP. We are implementing an HTTP server and client along with a 'gremlin' function that corrupts packets with a specified probability. The HTTP server…
Cory Gross
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How do I handle packet loss when recording video peer to server via WebRTC

We are using the licode MCU to stream recorded video from Google Chrome to the server. There isn't a second instance of Google Chrome to handle the feedback and the server must do this. One thing that we have encountered is when there is packet…
Jay P.
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core audio: is zero equivalent to silence only for PCM audio?

I'm trying to create a basic algorithm that does packet loss concealment for core audio. I simply want to replace the missing data with silence.. in the book learning core audio, the author says that in lossless PCM, zeros mean silence. I was…
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Packet Loss and Packet duplication

I am trying to find out what the difference between packet loss and packet duplication problems is. Does anyone know what 'packet duplication' is all about? Is it the same as re-transmitting packets when a loss is detected in TCP?
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Fix for 'bytes missing in capture file' using rawcap?

I am using rawcap tcp capture tool for capturing localhost packets on windows. I have a huge stream flowing and there are multiple 'XXXX bytes missing in the capture file' in the captured file. How can I prevent this? How can I capture the…
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3 answers

UDP packet drops by linux kernel

I have a server which sends UDP packets via multicast and a number of clients which are listing to those multicast packets. Each packet has a fixed size of 1040 Bytes, the whole data size which is sent by the server is 3GByte. My environment is…
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1 answer

Forcing packet loss

For testing purposes, to determine how a protocol implementation behaves in the presence of packet loss, I would like to force packet loss on one of my network devices. Specifically, I would like to be able to tune the packet loss anywhere between…
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TCP induced packet loss over UDP and bachelor thesis references

I'm currently writing a bachelors thesis in computer science and engineering, we're creating a racing game in C++ using OpenGL. In the report, I'm comparing use of TCP and UDP and I found a source, that claimed that multiple TCP-connections can…
0 answers

UDP packet loss in aws EC2

I have an application that listens to a particular port in AWS where it is hosted. I will be receiving UDP packets from a number of AWS servers to this port. The problem I am facing is I am able to receive the packets from all the AWS servers only…
jithin giri
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1 answer

Ping on shell scripts: Some packet loss, but error code $? equals to zero. How can I detect?

Sometimes my DSL router fails in this strange manner: luis@balanceador:~$ sudo ping -I eth9 [sudo] password for luis: PING ( from eth9: 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=47 time=69.3…
Sopalajo de Arrierez
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Why is Android dropping TCP packets, occurs in droid 5.x, not in 4.x?

I have an android smartphone connecting via WIFI to an embedded AP. I am sniffing WIFI traffic with a laptop running Tshark on Linux. I am transferring small (234 bytes) TCP packets 5 times every 100ms, followed by 500ms with no data. Periodically,…
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Dropwatch reports drop in ip_rcv

I have a network capture device running CentOS 7 that receives SPAN traffic from a core switch. Unfortunately, the kernel is dropping some packets (about ~0,05%). I installed dropwatch to investigate this issue and it reports drops in…
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Kafka commitTransaction acknowledgement failure

According to Kafka's commitTransaction documentation, commitTransaction will fail with TimeoutException if it doesn't receive a response in certain time Note that this method will raise TimeoutException if the transaction cannot be committed before…
1 answer

Packet Loss over HTTP

While interning at a video conferencing company, there was much talk of packet loss. Wikipedia states the following: Packet loss is typically caused by network congestion. I understand that because video requires such massive amounts of data to…
Brian Tracy
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