Questions tagged [overlapping]

The overlapping tag is used to describe elements on a webpage, absolutely positioned with CSS so they overlap each other.

The tag is used to describe elements on a webpage - absolutely positioned with CSS - so they overlap each other. Overlapping elements on a webpage can help highlight, prompt, and give priority to important content.

840 questions
3 answers

Python regex find all overlapping matches?

I'm trying to find every 10 digit series of numbers within a larger series of numbers using re in Python 2.6. I'm easily able to grab no overlapping matches, but I want every match in the number series. Eg. in "123456789123456789" I should get the…
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4 answers

Color of stacked semi-transparent boxes depends on order?

Why does the final color of two stacked semi-translucent boxes depend on the order? How could I make it so that I get the same color in both cases? .a { background-color: rgba(255, 0, 0, 0.5) } .b { background-color: rgba(0, 0, 255,…
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4 answers

How to find overlapping matches with a regexp?

>>> match = re.findall(r'\w\w', 'hello') >>> print match ['he', 'll'] Since \w\w means two characters, 'he' and 'll' are expected. But why do 'el' and 'lo' not match the regex? >>> match1 = re.findall(r'el', 'hello') >>> print match1 ['el'] >>>
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17 answers

Android: fragments overlapping issue

I am facing a problem of overlapping fragments when i switch between tabs and attach fragments to a tab view below is my code please help public class FragmentManage extends Fragment implements ActionBar.TabListener { private Fragment…
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5 answers

Is it possible to place one view over another in android?

Can we place a small view over another large view? For example, I have a VideoView which is playing a file in the background. Over this, somewhere in the middle/corner, I want to place another ImageView. But in Linear/Relative Layout, views can be…
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4 answers

Android fragments overlapping after screen rotation

This app is a learning exercise for me using fragments, among other things. It has a single activity that manages some different fragments. The first is a ListFragment (A), which shows when the app starts and loads list items from a cursor. Clicking…
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4 answers

Should Hibernate be able to handle overlapping foreign keys?

I have a table that has two foreign keys to two different tables with both foreign keys sharing one column: CREATE TABLE ZipAreas ( country_code CHAR(2) NOT NULL, zip_code VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL, state_code VARCHAR(5) NOT NULL, city_name…
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2 answers

Google map API v3 markers overlapping

I am making an application with google maps. When markers are overlapping only the last one is displayed even if the icons are different.. I do not want it to cluster in that case, rather it should show both maybe by changing the coordinates just a…
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3 answers

Support for multiple active overlapping surface views in Android

I am currently working on an Android App that needs several overlapping SurfaceViews in one screen. To be precise, I have two active overlapping SurfaceViews, one connected to Camera and the other connected to MediaPlayer. It mostly works but is…
Out Of Office
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3 answers

Collapse rows with overlapping ranges

I have a data.frame with start and end time: ranges<- data.frame(start = c(65.72000,65.72187, 65.94312,73.75625,89.61625),stop = c(79.72187,79.72375,79.94312,87.75625,104.94062)) > ranges start stop 1 65.72000 79.72187 2 65.72187 …
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2 answers

How to make python regex which matches multiple patterns to same index

Is it possible to get all overlapping matches, which starts from the same index, but are from different matching group? e.g. when I look for pattern "(A)|(AB)" from "ABC" regex should return following matches: (0,"A") and (0,"AB")
Mikael Lepistö
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2 answers

SQL to find overlapping time periods and sub-faults

Long time stalker, first time poster (and SQL beginner). My question is similar to this one SQL to find time elapsed from multiple overlapping intervals, except I'm able to use CTE, UDFs etc and am looking for more detail. On a piece of large scale…
5 answers

Check if two times overlap

I want to see if a time I read from a db overlaps with a time provided by a user. My database looks like…
Bird87 ZA
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1 answer

Virtual Keyboard hides fields/textareas/contenteditable (hidden below keyboard)

I know there are already some StackOverflow threads about the problem that the virtual keyboard of mobile phones hide or overlapping input fields, text areas and so on. But all these threads were useless, I searched a lot but many talked about this…
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1 answer

How to capture onTouch events on two overlapping views?

Layout !* Container is a relative layout contains two custom views: OuterView1 and InnerView2 * Outer View1 is a custom view, matching the parent’s size (full screen) * Inner View2 is also a custom view, laid on top of OuterView1 overlapping…
Rama Palaniappan
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