Questions tagged [overlapping]

The overlapping tag is used to describe elements on a webpage, absolutely positioned with CSS so they overlap each other.

The tag is used to describe elements on a webpage - absolutely positioned with CSS - so they overlap each other. Overlapping elements on a webpage can help highlight, prompt, and give priority to important content.

840 questions
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C# periodssssss

I got the following assignment: Returns true if the given appointment can be added to the list of appointments without overlapping any other appointments. name="appointments">The list of current appointments name="appointment">The new appointment…
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Flex shape - label overlap

I am creating a guitar tab display application in Flex and I need to display labels on top of horizontal lines. I am creating the horizontal lines using the following code: var s:UIComponent=new UIComponent(); for(var i:int=0; i<6; i++) { …
Pranav Hosangadi
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Check array overlapping in JavaScript

I have some arrays like [1,5], [3,6], [2,8],[19,13], [12,15]. When i pass two arrays in the function output will be [1,6], [2,19],[12,15] i want to remove overlapping numbers from 2 arrays . like on fist and second array 5 and 3 will be overlap…
Pritesh Mahajan
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My website is very overlapping and I don't know what to do

I am trying to make a good website and I have a big problem: overlapping. When I make the window smaller, all of my elements are spread. On mobile is worse. What can I do?
2 answers

Find whether two rectangles overlap

I am trying to find whether two rectangles overlap each other or not. I have the following rectangles represented as [x1,x2] x [y1,y2] Rect 1 = [0.0, 1.0] x [0.0, 1.0] Rect 2 = [0.7, 1.2] x [0.9, 1.5] I just need a pseudo code that I can implement…
4 answers

Javascript - Check numeric range overlapping in array

I have an array of time ranges with start & end values. var timeRanges = [{ start: 120, end: 140 },{ start: 180, end: 220 },{ start: 250, end: 300 }] Need to check whether the selected range overlap the time range or not.…
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Why does my z-index does not work ? I want my side bar to apper on top of everything .i have set z-index to 10000; but still cards overlap it

I want my sidebar to appear on top of everything .i have set z-index to 10000, but still, cards overlap it the css of the sidebar and founder card is .sidemenu{ position: fixed; top: 0px; width: 240px; margin-left:…
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2 answers

wordpress logo overlapping menu using layers

I am using layers framework for my wordpress based website. Checkout here medshopi.I have used left logo style for the menubar. In the menubar the logo and the menu items are overlapping. Same is the case with responsive layout. I dont understand…
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content overlapping when resizing browser

I am very new to coding and literally have no idea how to fix this and would really appreciate some help. I'm creating a virtual cv; have some content that keeps on overlapping when the browser is resized and nothing I try will stop it... I want the…
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Sidebar Nav is overlapping footer

My sidebar nav is overlapping the footer, how can i fix this?
2 answers

Divs are overlapping with Isotopes

Im using isotopes for my page and my divs that have images are overlapping. This issue is only happening SOMETIMES the first time I access a page on my browswer and ALL the time on phone. It never happens when accessing the page locally though. I…
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CSS Text Overlapping

How can I achieve something like this I've tried margins and padding but they don't seem to be working.
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Overlapping div in Visual Composer

I want to develop the next thing. See example image: Overlapping div with text and background-color with a smaller width than the text How can I achieve this? I'm using the Visual Composer in Wordpress. You can see what I made here:…
1 answer

Overlapping in object detection in Opencv

I am using opencv and visual studio ultimate 2010. My goal is to detect cars in a road and count them. I am using edge detection solution for this. Does any one have any idea for detecting,counting and speed computing? What is the solution for…
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1 answer

3 divs are expanding outside of the flex container div causing the elements to overlap (update) i believe i found the root cause of the issue. say the container has 2 divs in it and the height is 300. if i add a 3rd div, the height becomes 320. i have to stop the height from changing because…
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