Questions tagged [os-dependent]

8 questions
16 answers

'^M' character at end of lines

When I run a particular SQL script in Unix environments, I'm am seeing a '^M' character at the end of each line of the SQL script as it is echoed to the command-line. I don't know on which OS the SQL script was originally created. What is causing…
Paul Reiners
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1 answer

Different package versions for Android and iOS

I am developing an app for both Android and iOS using React Native. One of the libraries I'm using is a bit problematic because the app only compiles correctly: ...on Android when using "react-native": "0.42.0". ...on iOS when using…
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1 answer

OS dependent behavior with python logging module

Following This question and answer, I'm looking for a solution to the following problem: I have a Python program which supposed to run both on Windows and Linux. My python process spawns a child process, and both of them should have a file logger. I…
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2 answers

file.createNewFile() creates files with last-modified time before actual creation time

I'm using JPoller to detect changes to files in a specific directory, but it's missing files because they end up with a timestamp earlier than their actual creation time. Here's how I test: public static void main(String [] files) { for (String…
Kaleb Pederson
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1 answer

Scala and line endings in string templates

I am writing acceptance test, which validates HTTP response from embedded server. So it looks like assert((200, """{ | "status" : "OK" |}""".stripMargin) === (code, response)) so far it works quite well on my Linux…
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3 answers

OS independent keyboard event to character mapping

Obviously, a web application needs to adjust to the user's keyboard settings, right? Is there a way to tell Dojo to make a connection to the actual KeyPress event instead of KeyDown, so we can get the character typed from event.charCode? Since we…
Christopher Creutzig
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1 answer

Server client app, I'm having trouble thinking of a clean way to process client data on the server side

I have a server client app written in C++ on Linux. When a client connects to my server, the server spawns a thread that waits for the client to send the server commands to execute. the commands are OS dependent. the thread that the client is…
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1 answer

What is the recommended way to raise property change for a desktop application using .Net Core in an MT environment

For the last 10 years, I was using WPF with the "Dispatcher" in order to ensure UI thread will receive notifications. I was using code like this in a base "Model" class: [NotifyPropertyChangedInvocator] public void…
Eric Ouellet
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