Questions tagged [orbit]

Orbit is a Javascript image slider

Orbit is a Javascript image slider. It's a part of framework.

The full documentation can be found on the Foundation website.

218 questions
1 answer

Plotting orbits in python using integrate.solve_ivp

Im trying to plot the orbit of jupiter around the sun (as well as 2 astroid clusters in the Lagrange points) using integrate.solve_ivp, but when i plot a graph of x position and y, I'm getting a spiral, rather than a stable orbit. Can anyone…
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Foundation JS Orbits - show-for-small-only

I am working on a website that uses Zurbs foundation js, sorry but I am not a fan of this framework but I am stuck with it on this. Question. I have tried several times to either add in the orbit or on a containing div the class show-for-small-only…
1 answer

How does Spaceflight simulator predict flight-paths?

I am trying to make a game with Unity that uses rockets that are in orbit and can transition to different planets, but I need to predict the rocket path in real-time, depending on the current velocity/direction of the rocket allot like spaceflight…
kieran P
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Foundation 6.4: Image Orbit Display Problems

I’m a UX researcher, not a coder and I was hoping for some helpful feedback to make the orbit function work. : Using: Foundation 6.4 Function: Image Orbiter Problems: Placing 800 w x 400 h images that I’ve created (via Photoshop), they seem to not…
1 answer

Unity trying to camera orbit controller

using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; public class camMouseLook : MonoBehaviour { protected Transform XForm_camera; protected Transform XForm_Parent; protected Vector3 LocalRotation; protected float…
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Plotting an orbit in Python, but when x<0, trajectory suddenly goes linear

I'm plotting in a simple 2D plane the path taken by a body in motion past another gravitationally attractive body. Every loop, the time is incremented by a second and the body's new position is calculated and printed out. I then paste the results…
H Minn
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Plotting flow field influenced by a simple circular orbit - hyperbolic attractor, given in polar coordinates, in Cartesian coordinate system - Python

I may have bitten more off than I can chew for a project and have to plot, as the title says, a flow field, or vector field as given in the example: The vector field I need to create, no need for the colours... The dynamics of this system as given…
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Apply Equalizer on Orbit slider in Foundation 6

I am trying to get all of the slides in my orbit slider to be the height of the largest slide. Here is my markup: $(document).ready(function(){ $('.orbit-container').equalize('outerHeight'); });
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Converting java to kotlin

I'm developing a Kotlin application with the orbit package, but I'm with some issues to define actors Unresolved reference: T class HelloActor():AbstractActor,Hello What should be the T param? In docs: * @param a class that represents the…
1 answer

Creating a circular Orbit in libgdx

I am trying to implement Gravity in my game. I currently have a Moon which should orbit a planet (both using the class Cell in my game). The following code is used (shortened): In class Cell: private Cell graviator; private Vector2 pos; private…
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Zurb Foundation - orbit slider - images don't take full width

I'm having troubles with orbit, the image slider. I have it take only half of the row (there will be text next to it), so my code is following:
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0 answers

ORBIT 100% height over 100% widht slider zurb foundation. 16:9 4:3

I need some help with orbit slider. I want to make it 100% width and 100% height , but.... I have a 1920x1080 slider images. Images should always taking 100% height but width should be over 100% (if display propotion will change). Just slider should…
1 answer

How to use the Orbit in Foundation 6?

I am currently using Foundation 6.3.0 and I don't know how to implement the Orbit in Foundation, because there was no file to be downloaded given on their site.
Trish Siquian
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1 answer

Orbit Foundation - does not work

I use Foundation 6 and I want to use Orbit to display multiple pictures for a boat renter. But it does not work properly. I can use the previous button but not the next one. And after using once, nothing works. Here it is an example…
0 answers

Initialise foundaiton 6 orbit if there are more than 4 slides

I have the following markup: