Questions tagged [orbit]

Orbit is a Javascript image slider

Orbit is a Javascript image slider. It's a part of framework.

The full documentation can be found on the Foundation website.

218 questions
5 answers

Can't initialize orbit on Foundation 5

I have been working the whole day long on this website made on Foundation 5. Everything went well until I decided to make an image slider by using Foundation's Orbit. I already tried everything and nothing seems to be working. I checked their…
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1 answer

Python satellite tracking with Orbitron, pyephem- positions not matching

In reading TLE and calculating the orbit of satellites, does PyEphem regard the earth as the sphere or as the ellipse ?
1 answer

Foundation 4 + Orbit Slider: Can't control animation speed

I am using Foundation to create a website that involves the Orbit Slider. Try as I may, I can't change the speed of the slider. Everything is working properly (jquery, slider controls, slider bullets, customized CSS for slider, etc.), I just can't…
1 answer

Is it possible to make orbit slider adjust to browser height

As in the title, I know it's responsive but when I put a basic orbit slider (outside "rows") it scales properly horizontally but want scale to adjust to the height of browser . Any ideas?
1 answer

Which js files to link to the html file using Foundation 3 Orbit?

I am trying to create an Orbit slider on my website, however, when I run the webpage in my web browser, where the Orbit Slider should be, I see: $(window).load(function() { $("#featured").orbit(); }); I am guessing this is because the html…
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Foundation 4: Orbit: Initialitation after page loading & Ajax: Reinitialization

(1) I’ve got an project and I want to use the integrated slider from Foundation 4 (Orbit). My problem is, that I only want to initialize the slider (or to start the plugin) when the browser have a specific orientation. So for my problem I need an…
4 answers

How to move Orbit nav arrows outside of container with Foundation 4?

I'm using Orbit to show some text heavy elements and the arrows are getting in the way of my text. I'm weary of doing any sort of fancy css33 to increase their transparency as I need this to look right in Firefox for OS9, which I think means …
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2 answers

Python SGP4 1.1 Calculating Incorrect Orbit

I am using the python SGP4 1.1 module to calculate the position and velocity of a MEO satellite. I'm noticing when compared against STK and JSatTrak that the returned values for position and velocity are incorrect. The Satellite should have a…
1 answer

Foundation Framework - Orbit Slider

I have managed to get the Orbit Slider onto my page, but it does not have the timer or the naviagation buttons like the example given on the Foundation Framework website. I downloaded the framework using Sass and it says in the documentation that…
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2 answers

Resize Foundation's Orbit Slider

Good Morning! I'm working on a prototype and I would like to know the "proper" way to change the width of Foundation's Orbit Slider yet still keep it's responsiveness. Currently - I had changed the width of the slider container to a smaller…
1 answer

How to get captions to display with zurbs foundation's orbit slider?

I have been stuck trying to figure this problem out. Any suggestions/fixes will be much appreciated! The source: my source The problem: The captions are not displaying The html (for the orbit slider slides):
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2 answers

orbit jquery slider pause on last slide

I'm using the Zurb Orbit Slider: I have a slideshow using the following settings: $(window).load(function() { $('#featured').orbit({ animation: 'fade', animationSpeed:…
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2 answers

jQuery to count over images in a div and tell me what image I am currently viewing based on z-index and title attr

I'm working with the Orbit jQuery slider. Tricky thing is that I am running six iterations of that slider on the page. What I want it to do is tell me I am on image 4 of 7, 5 of 7, etc... Here's what I've done so far: $(window).load(function() { …
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2 answers

jQuery Slider Orbit - moving bullets

I'm using the excellent Zurb plugin Orbit on my homepage, and I'm trying to move the bullets (typically below the slider) to a different location on the page (in this case, in the header above the slider) I tried the following…
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1 answer

Changing Three.js Orbit Controls target when camera moves, not working good

I'm making a """First Person Controller""" demo, where basically the camera moves forward in the scene when TOUCH event stay pressed, I use setInterval and addScaledVector for the camera movement. I decided to add Orbit Controls just for rotating…
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