Questions tagged [orbit]

Orbit is a Javascript image slider

Orbit is a Javascript image slider. It's a part of framework.

The full documentation can be found on the Foundation website.

218 questions
1 answer

Units of Three.JS, Calculating Rotation & Orbit Speeds

I'm trying to build a to scale model of the solar system. I wanted to see if someone could explain to me how the rotation speed works. Here's the important piece: objects[index].rotation.y += calculateRotationSpeed(value.radius,value.revolution) *…
Ben Marshall
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4 answers

Is there a way to pass an initialization function to an Orbit slideshow?

I solved my original problem, but I'm wondering if there's a more elegant solution. I'm using Foundation's Orbit to create a slideshow. This is no simple slideshow, it is a slide show where each slide has a data-caption defined, and within this…
Tim O'Brien
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1 answer

How to preload images for Foundation's Orbit image slider?

Using Zurb's Foundation 4.1.5 (latest version), the Orbit image slider works great. Unfortunately it looks really for the first couple of seconds where all the images appear as a giant bulleted list. Then the JavaScript kicks in and it all is…
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4 answers

display slide number orbit.js foundation 6 zurb

I am currently working with orbit.js slider in Foundation 6 and not seeing an option to display slide number. Could you advice me on this or share examples please. Thanks!
2 answers

How do I change container height to match image height?

I've been using Foundaiton Orbit image slider and found it great. Now I am having trouble with the height. I have some images in the gallery that are considerably 'taller' than others and therefore the container that contains the gallery is set to…
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1 answer

How do you preload images into the Orbit slider?

The issues is that the slider is not displaying properly when a user first visits the site. In testing the slider worked fine. Or actually there was problem that it would not load when first visiting the page, but would then show up when (and only…
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4 answers

Zurb Foundation 4.3.0 Orbit not showing slides

I'm using Foundation 4.3.0 for a project, and am trying to set up Orbit in the most basic way. The javascript and CSS seem to be loading correctly, the images are loading, all the extra elements are inserted, etc. But the main
    always has a…
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1 answer

Zurb Foundation Orbit slider: crop image to fit window

I'm using foundation and I want to use orbit as a full width slideshow. I need it to cover the whole window, width and height. It seems the default usage of this slider is simply to adapt the width of the images to the container but I need it to…
Elaine Marley
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4 answers

Foundation Orbit doesn't initialize

I'm working with Foundation 4 framework. I've been trying to include the Orbit slide into my website, but I can't seem to get it to work. So I followed the steps in Foundation documentation. I've included all necessary scripts
Gregor Menih
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3 answers

Foundation Orbit slider, show nav on small screens

The Orbit slider that comes as part of Zurb's Foundation seems to add a class of hide-for-small to the navigation. I need the navigation to still show up however in order to show my content. I have tried removing the hide-for-small part of the…
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1 answer

Orbit slider fails to animate after adding DOM element dynamically

I basically have a slider on my page which runs fine as soon as it loads. The issue presents itself when I reload orbit-container after DOM loads and appending new data. Basically, the method is using $(".orbit-container").empty() then use…
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0 answers

Creating a believable elliptical orbiting element (plane) with SVG and CSS?

first time question poster here. After over 2 days of searching on StackOverflow & other sites, and playing on my own with CodePen, I just cannot seem to figure out how to create an orbiting path for an SVG element that isn't a circle. Here's a…
2 answers

MATLAB - How to rotate an orbit/sphere using rotation matrix?

I am trying to rotate an "orbit" using rotation matrix given below: [cos(angle) -sin(angle) 0; sin(angle) cos (angle) 0; 0 0 1 ] First thing I thought I should do was to use sphere(): [x y z] = sphere; Then concatenate x,…
0 answers

Orbit + Clearing Lightbox

Is it impossible to have a orbit slider and a clearing lightbox within? So that I can slide the image carousel and when I click or tab on a image the lightbox opens? So what can I do to force it?
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3 answers

Full width of images on foundation orbit slider

I have problem with width of orbit slider images. My images has 1600px width, but resolution of monitor can be higher - e.g 1680px. Is it possible to stretch the size of images to 100% of screen (in this example - 1680px)? My code is standard and…
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