Questions tagged [openscad]

OpenSCAD is a software for creating solid 3D CAD models. It is free software and available for Linux/UNIX, Windows and Mac OS X.

OpenSCAD is a software for creating solid 3D CAD models. It is free software and available for Linux/UNIX, Windows and Mac OS X.

Unlike most free software for creating 3D models, OpenSCAD does not focus on the artistic aspects of 3D modelling, but instead focuses on the CAD aspects. So it might be the application you are looking for when you are planning to create 3D models of machine parts, but probably is not what you are looking for when you are more interested in creating computer-animated movies or organic life-like models.

OpenSCAD, unlike many CAD product, is not an interactive modeller. Instead it is something like a 2D/3D-compiler that reads in a program file that describes the object and renders the model from this file. This gives you (the designer) full control over the modelling process and enables you to easily change any step in the modelling process or make designs that are defined by configurable parameters.

Official Site

User Manual

127 questions
1 answer

Recursive arc-length reparameterization of an arbitrary curve

I have a 3D parametric curve defined as P(t) = [x(t), y(t), z(t)]. I'm looking for a function to reparametrize this curve in terms of arc-length. I'm using OpenSCAD, which is a declarative language with no variables (constants only), so the solution…
3 answers

Java library for creating 3d-objects for 3d printing

I am looking for a java library to create 3d-geometries and then convert that to .stl files so I can 3d print my object using a 3d printer. I can imagine using a 3d-graphics object where one can draw the same like on a graphics2d object: …
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Sed error "command a expects \ followed by text"

Here is my script: openscad $1 -D generate=1 -o $1.csg 2>&1 >/dev/null | sed 's/ECHO: \"\[LC\] //' | sed 's/"$//' | sed '$a;' >./2d_$1 That output: sed: 1: "$a;": command a expects \ followed by text
5 answers

Way to round edges of objects opensCAD

Is there an easy way/function to round edges for an openscad object? e.g. round the edges of the cylinders
Matthias Adriaens
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4 answers

How to a make a curved sheet (cube) in OpenSCAD?

How can I curve a sheet (cube)? I'd like to control the angle of the bend/curve. e.g. cube([50,50,2]);
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2 answers

How to modify imported .stl files in OpenSCAD?

Is there anyway to go about importing STL files into OpenSCAD with the ability to modify them? For instance, the following code demonstrates what I have tried thus far: difference() { import("spherical_puzzle_base.stl"); translate([0, 0,…
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OpenSCAD: Rotating around a particular point?

The following code rotates the second cube around the origin. How can I rotate the second cube around its center point ([5,5,0]) instead? cube([10,10,1]); rotate([0,0,45]) cube([10,10,1]);
Mark Harrison
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2 answers

How to determine width of text in OpenSCAD?

In OpenSCAD, I want to be able to create a module which accepts a string then create a 3-D object with that string embedded in the surface as a text. I want the object to be slightly larger than the text, so I need to know how wide the text is in…
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3 answers

openscad If statement issue with variable

I have a problem with If statement in OpenScad. I have 4 variables a=20; b=14; w=1; c=16; I want to check witch number is bigger a or b. And after depending who is smaller to take the value of smaller variable(in our case b < a) and to make a…
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3 answers

Morph circle to oval in openscad

I am trying to create a fan duct in openscad, flattening the duct from circular to oval. Is there a way to do this in openscad? If not, is there any other programmatic way to generate this type of 3d model? Thanks Dennis
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2 answers

Best libraries for OpenSCAD

I designed few simple 3D parts with OpenSCAD and I would like to go further. I see there's a lot of interesting libraries, but many of them redefined same functions. What libraries do you highly recommend ? Is there a common one ? I would like…
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4 answers

OpenSCAD: How to draw a cylinder from vector to vector?

I have two objects at arbitrary locations, and I want to draw a cylinder between one and another. Searching for math solutions tells me I need the dot product and the cross product as angle and axis respectively, but I'm lost on producing a…
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0 answers

How to compute inner control points for C2 continuous bicubic Bezier surface patches

I am trying to compute control points for a bicubic Bezier surface of smoothly joining tubes. This example gives 16 control points for a respective Bezier patch (in the syntax of OpenSCAD): [[[ 2 , 2 , 0], [2.5, 1.5, 0], [3.5, 1 , 0], [4, 1 ,…
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2 answers

Openscad -D command line cannot be called from shell script

I am using openscad commands on Ubuntu linux to generate models from command line. I finaly was successful at running openscad commands using the -D parameters to override variables values : $ openscad -o output.stl -D 'param1="name1"' -D…
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1 answer

Openscad is in array or equivalent

There is something like this on openScad? list = [2, 3]; if(1 in list){ echo("in"); }else{ echo("not in"); } /* or better: */ list = [2, 3]; isin = 1 in list? 100 : 0;
Leved Resu
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