Questions tagged [openfin]

OpenFin is a desktop runtime environment for running html5 applications outside of a browser. It it is based on a Chromium currently and is being migrated to Electron. All HTML5/JavaScript/CSS that works in Chrome/Chromium should also work in OpenFin.

OpenFin is the leading provider of HTML5 runtime technology for the financial industry. The world’s largest banks and trading platforms use OpenFin to run high-performance, multi-window HTML5 applications on financial desktops. The company’s patent-pending software is based on Google’s Chromium open-source project and purpose-built to meet the security and performance needs of real-time financial applications.

35 questions
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Unable to load fin-Hypergrid in GoldenLayout component

I'm trying to add simple fin-Hypergrid to GoldenLayout component using below script, however I keep getting errors: Uncaught TypeError: this.div.appendChild is not a function @Hypergrid.js:854 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'range' of null…
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3 answers

I need to get the port of the chromedriver that I have instantiated in Selenium

Here's my code to instantiate the webdriver. System.setProperty("", "D:\chromedriver.exe"); DesiredCapabilities capabilities =; WebDriver driver = new ChromeDriver(capabilities); Now, I'd like to…
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Thoughts on Chromium based desktop app?

Has anyone tried OpenFin? What are its pros and cons? In terms of Development effort, stability, development support, maintenance, performance, memory footprint.
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fin.Platform.Layout.init() throws an error saying platform is not running

Trying to initialize my openfin application by running fin.Platform.Layout.init() (on the client-side) throws an error: The targeted Platform is not currently running. Listen for an application-started event for the given Uuid.. I couldn't find any…
0 answers

OpenFin - How to switch from one openfin application/window to another openfin in selenium automation

OpenFin - How to switch from one openfin application/window to another openfin application/window when automating using selenium
1 answer

Can I push notifications in OpenFin after my app has been closed? / How to make my OpenFin app run in background?

Can I push notifications in OpenFin after my app has been closed? / How to make my OpenFin app run in background? I have tried and researched a lot, but cannot find an answer for the same. Thank you in advance.
4 answers

How to manually register an instance of a provider with angular2 dependancy system

I am using Angular2 with OpenFin to build an application. I have a service class which is marked as Injectable and is listed as a provider in NgModule. It is being injected into a component but it is only when the component is created that my…
1 answer

How to run `OpenFin Process Manager`

Refer to Based on the, I have done the following steps: npm install node server I am able to see the following message from terminal(windows 7) $ node server Express server listening on port…
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Deploy .Exe via Web

I've an HTML5 application packaged into OpenFin environment. The complete package is inside an .Exe executable that we wish to ship to end users. We tried to create a link to the executable that could be downloaded from a web link - but seems most…
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Electron js - Sub divs like dropdowns crops when parent window is smaller

When I minimize the size of my application window and open a div (dropdown or any other menu), if the size of that div is bigger than the parent window, div is cropped.screenshot from intelliJ In some applications like Intellij IDEA, they handle it…
0 answers

How to list contents of a directory in Registry in openfin

Following I am able to read the value from Registry if I know the complete path, But how do we list the contents of a directory, for example how we get the list of…
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How to get username in openfin application

How do I get the username of the user starting the openfin application? I am able to get the environment variable USERNAME, but I am afraid this variable can be spoofed. Asking the user for credentials and trying window.authenticate is probably a…
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How to test an Angular app integrated with Openfin?

We have an Angular application integrated with Openfin. The integration works fine and I'm able to open the angular application in Openfin. Now I'm writing unit tests using jasmine and when I run tests I'm getting the below error. Cannot find name…
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What causing this issue when capturing screen shot with PIXI JS

I have used PIXI JS to capture screen and save as screenshots. It works fine on some screens and it gives and error on another screen. Anyone have an idea which causing this error?
Kusal Kithmal
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OpenFin - How to host runtime and RVM custom directory

In normal OpenFin environment both RVM and runtime located and windows user AppData directory. In my application, I want to package RVM and runtime in same setup file and host in client PC, to prevent downloading runtime in client PC. And further…
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