Questions tagged [openfin]

OpenFin is a desktop runtime environment for running html5 applications outside of a browser. It it is based on a Chromium currently and is being migrated to Electron. All HTML5/JavaScript/CSS that works in Chrome/Chromium should also work in OpenFin.

OpenFin is the leading provider of HTML5 runtime technology for the financial industry. The world’s largest banks and trading platforms use OpenFin to run high-performance, multi-window HTML5 applications on financial desktops. The company’s patent-pending software is based on Google’s Chromium open-source project and purpose-built to meet the security and performance needs of real-time financial applications.

35 questions
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How to inspect shared worker in OpenFin?

I'm looking for an option to inspect SharedWorker thread to debug and check console logs, when application running on OpenFin. I have been debugging my javascript react based application in chrome developer tool and shared workers inspect accessible…
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Not able to run wdio openfin based UI automation with wdio v6

What is the latest npm package available for wdio-openfin-service? I tried to install, "wdio-openfin-service": "^8.0.1",it gave me error, that it does not exist. Reason to install 8.0.1 : npm ERR!…
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How to send Push Notifications in OpenFin?

I have to Push Notifications to all the users who are using OpenFin for my site. As per OpenFin documentation, they have provided API to send a Desktop Notification on an event like button click. But if the OpenFin App is Idle and we need send…
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How does different widgets/windows communicate in openfin

As with openfin we can have separate widgets/windows opened separately, how do they communicate with each other ,searched a lot couldn't find anything on this, please help.
Bhuwan Pandey
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OpenFin Chrome version must be >= 66.0.3359.181

So I was using ChromeDriver 2.40 which worked great with OpenFin or Chromium 66.0.3359.181 if you prefer. However after upgrading to latest OpenFin stable version (, I started getting an error denoting version mismatch…
Xwris Stoixeia
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How do i get Angular to recognise fin

I'm coding against the openFin fin object but the NG compiler doesn't recognise it. Do I need to import something ? I have @types\openfin in my node_modules. What else do I need do to use the library ? Tried importing but can find no examples of…
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Migrating a WPF application to HTML5 application

I am having a wpf application with lot of complex Telerik controls like GRID,DropeDowwn etc. But now we are migrating from WPF to openfin in our organisation. My understanding is we cannot host a wpf application inside a OpenFin container.So, we…
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Add menu options to system tray icon with OpenFin

I am looking to open a menu for my system tray icon for my OpenFin application. Something like this : Example
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Download Scenario validation in openfin with webdriverio

I have a UI automation scenario, where I need to perform the export to excel operation and save the file from UI. This operation, I need to do in openfin browser. How can we set preferences in openfin browser so that it will automatically save…
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How to integrate openFin with angular 6?

Somebody knows how to integrate angular 6 application with openfin? I have installed @types/openfin in my angular application and able to use fin variable. I want to know how to debug the openfin things in browser and how to communicate among…
1 answer

How to integrate angular 2+ app to Openfin platform

I need to integrate my existing angular 5 app in openfin (specifically using wpf embedded view) . I will need to communicate with the embedded app using the Interapplication bus. I can't find an example of how I can integrate this into my…
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How do I open 2 or multiple applications using openfin

I am trying to add 2 url's to my openfin app.json so that when I click on the openfin shortcut it just pops up 2 applications?
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OpenFin child window not visible

I'm new to openFin. I have followed the steps mentioned in the video lecture( to create a child window but getting a weird issue. I could see the success callback being called but…
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How to add react app into openfin platform

I'm finding the way to set up an exists react app(use create-react-app) into openfin platform( Could you help share with me some repo, code sample or anyway to implement react app into openfin Many thanks
1 answer

"Spawn unknown" error while using npm's OpenFin

I installed OpenFin-cli using npm on windows 10. After OpenFin was installed, I tried to test it using the command openfin -l -u on cmd. I get the following error: I have: Node version 6.11.2 Link to OpenFin documentation…