Questions tagged [object-detection]

Object detection deals with recognizing the presence of objects of a certain semantic class (e.g. “humans”, “buildings”, “cars”, &c) in digital image and video data.

Object detection is the branch of computer vision and that deals with recognizing objects of a certain semantic class (e.g. “humans”, “buildings”, “cars”, &c) as present within and data. Well-researched subdomains of object detection include and pedestrian detection.

Most contemporary algorithms for object detection employ some mode of image – such as or – coupled with a scheme for deriving meaning from the extracted and quantified image features.

Object detection has myriad applications, across many related disciplines: content-based image retrieval (or ), optical character recognition (or ), image recognition, and automated video surveillance.

3524 questions
4 answers

from utils import label_map_util Import Error: No module named utils

I am trying to run the object_detection.ipynb type program but it is a normal python program(.py). It is working very well but when running inside the ..models/research/object_detection folder, but the main issue is when I am trying to run this code…
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2 answers

Yolo Darknet Detecting Only Specific Class like Person, Cat, Dog etc

We are using YOLO Darknet for object detection. We are using Python3, tensorflow 1.0, numpy, opencv 3. Using yolo.weight for detection. 
As per given in below link :
 When we run it on a…
Tejas Somaiya
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1 answer

Finding people silhouette in OpenCV C++

I would like to extract the silhouette of a human in a photo and remove the background. The photo could be taken of the full body, only the upper body or only the lower body. What I have done so far is track the face using Haar Cascades, but the…
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1 answer

Use Tensorflow Object Detection API to detect small objects in images

I'd like to use the Tensorflow Object Detection API to identify objects in a series of webcam images. The Faster RCNN models pre-trained on the COCO dataset appear to be suitable, as they contain all the object categories I need. However, I'd like…
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2 answers

Why training speed does not scale with the batch size?

I am surprised that increasing batch size does not increase the total processing speed on a GPU. My measurements: batch_size=1: 0.33 sec/step batch_size=2: 0.6 sec/step batch_size=3: 0.8 sec/step batch_size=4: 1.0 sec/step My…
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5 answers

Nothing is being detected in Tensorflow Object detection API

I'm trying to implement Tensorflow object detection API sample. I am following sentdex videos for getting started. The sample code runs perfectly, it also shows the images which are used for testing the results, but no boundaries around detected…
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1 answer

Histogram of Oriented Gradients

I have been reading theory about HOG descriptors for object(human) detection. But I have some questions about the implementation, which might sound like an insignificant detail. Regarding the window that contains the blocks; should the window be…
Ahmet Keskin
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3 answers

Cannot connect to X server GOOGLE COLAB

I am trying to make a prediction using Tensorflow Object Detection API on Google COLAB. Already I successfully completed the training process and Export Inference Graph task. But Problem is when I am going to make a new prediction it's throwing…
3 answers

Tensorflow object detection API not displaying global steps

I am new here. I recently started working with object detection and decided to use the Tensorflow object detection API. But, when I start training the model, it does not display the global step like it should, although it's still training in the…
1 answer

What the impact of different dimension of image resizer when using default config of object detection api

I was trying to use the object detection API of Tensorflow to train a model. And I was using the sample config of faster rcnn resnet101…
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2 answers

Tensorflow Object Detection API

I decided to take a dip into ML and with a lot of trial and error was able to create a model using TS' inception. To take this a step further, I want to use their Object Detection API. But their input preparation instructions, references the use of…
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1 answer

Object detection with OpenCV SVM

I was unable to find good explanations at one place on the internet. There are too much stuff and instead of finding out what to do, I get more confused. My goal: Create an Android application that detects objects in real time using the camera (my…
5 answers

What is the best method for object detection in low-resolution moving video?

I'm looking for the fastest and more efficient method of detecting an object in a moving video. Things to note about this video: It is very grainy and low resolution, also both the background and foreground are moving simultaneously. Note: I'm…
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1 answer

OpenCV image preprocessing for object detection

I would like to know about some preprocessing practices recommended for applying to images before their features are computed, in order to increase the efficiency of the process as much as possible. (e.g. Croping, changing format, etc...) Thanks in…
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2 answers

Known object detection performance improvement with OpenCV

I am working on a project where I have a to detect a known picture in a scene in "real time" in a mobile context (that means I'm capturing frames using a smartphone camera and resizing the frame to be 150x225). The picture itself can be rather…
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