Questions tagged [object-detection]

Object detection deals with recognizing the presence of objects of a certain semantic class (e.g. “humans”, “buildings”, “cars”, &c) in digital image and video data.

Object detection is the branch of computer vision and that deals with recognizing objects of a certain semantic class (e.g. “humans”, “buildings”, “cars”, &c) as present within and data. Well-researched subdomains of object detection include and pedestrian detection.

Most contemporary algorithms for object detection employ some mode of image – such as or – coupled with a scheme for deriving meaning from the extracted and quantified image features.

Object detection has myriad applications, across many related disciplines: content-based image retrieval (or ), optical character recognition (or ), image recognition, and automated video surveillance.

3524 questions
3 answers

How to run multiple graphs in a Session - Tensorflow API

Tensorflow API has provided few pre-trained models and allowed us to trained them with any dataset. I would like to know how to initialize and use multiple graphs in one tensorflow session. I want to import two trained models in two graphs and…
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Square detection doesn't find squares

I'm using the program squares.c available in the samples of OpenCV libraries. It works well with every image, but I really can't figure it out why it doesn't recognize the square drawn in that…
Marco L.
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Object detection + segmentation

I 'm trying to find an efficient way of acceptable complexity to detect an object in an image so I can isolate it from its surroundings segment that object to its sub-parts and label them so I can then fetch them at will It's been 3 weeks since I…
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16 answers

protoc object_detection/protos/*.proto: No such file or directory

I am following the example found here. But whenever I enter the command "C:/Program Files/protoc/bin/protoc" object_detection/protos/.proto --python_out=. I get an error that says object_detection/protos/.proto: No such file or directory. I can't…
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5 answers

How to get the coordinates of the bounding box in YOLO object detection?

I need to get the bounding box coordinates generated in the above image using YOLO object detection.
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2 answers

Detect multiple rectangles in image

I am trying to detect the count of pipes in this picture. For this, I'm using OpenCV and Python-based detection. Based, on existing answers to similar questions, I was able to come up with the following steps Open the image Filter it Apply Edge…
3 answers

What kind of descriptor should I use for seal cub detection?

I have a project to detect and count seal cubs (the animal) in an aerial image which is taken from beach. The seal cubs are black and small compared to adult seals which are brown and large. Some seal cubs are overlapped/partly occluded. The beach…
1 answer

How to Fine tune existing Tensorflow Object Detection model to recognize additional classes?

Thanks to Google for providing a few pre-trained models with tensorflow API. I would like to know how to retrain a pre-trained model available from the above repository, by adding new classes to the model. For example, the trained COCO dataset model…
2 answers

Object detection using Keras : simple way for faster R-CNN or YOLO

This question has maybe been answered but I didn't find a simple answer to this. I created a convnet using Keras to classify The Simpsons characters (dataset here). I have 20 classes and giving an image as input, I return the character name. It's…
A. Attia
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3 answers

Haar Cascade vs Hog Detection

I have been working around with OpenCV for few days now and I have a project where I should detect cars and humans from the sky. So here are my inputs: A moving camera in the sky (embedded on a quadcopter) which is gonna capture frames. A set of…
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HOG for "detecting object" opencv

I would like to know, if there is any code or any good documentation available for implementing HOG features? I tried to read the documentation here but it's quite difficult to understand and it needs SVM.. What I need is just to implement a HOG…
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2 answers

OpenCV cvFindContours - how do I separate components of a contour

I've been playing around with OpenCV and with alot of trial and error have managed to learn how to detect circles (coins) in a photo. Everything is working great, except when I place coins directly next to each other (as seen below, ignore the fact…
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When I try to train tensorflow's object detection api I get CUDA_ERROR_ILLEGAL_INSTRUCTION

python --model_dir=training/ --pipeline_config_path=training/faster_rcnn_inception_v2 _pets.config WARNING:tensorflow:Estimator's model_fn (.model_fn at 0x00000155CFDB5C80>) includes params argument,…
2 answers

How to visualize a TFRecord?

I was asked this on another forum but thought I'd post it here for anyone that is having trouble with TFRecords. TensorFlow's Object Detection API can produce strange behavior if the labels in the TFRecord file do not align with the labels in your…
Steve Goley
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What does "num_examples: 2000" mean in TensorFlow object detection config file?

In the sample pipeline config file of TensorFlow object detection, there is this snippet: eval_config: { num_examples: 2000 # Note: The below line limits the evaluation process to 10 evaluations. # Remove the below line to evaluate…
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