Questions tagged [non-english]

Use this tag for questions that relate to problems involving text or data that is written in another language besides English.

Note that this tag should not be used to ask questions on StackOverflow in a language other than English. All questions on this site must be written in English.

192 questions
1 answer

How to replace English words interleaved with non-English (UTF-8) words

How can I match and replace English words interleaved with Persian words? The Persian alphabet is not Latin. The problem is that English words interleaved with Persian words (which are written in Right to Left) aren't shown correctly unless they're…
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How do I remove support for English in my iOS app?

I renamed en.lproj to sv.lproj. I then added the Swedish resources to the project and removed the English resources. The problem is that the app still "thinks" that it supports English, i.e. [[NSBundle mainBundle] localizations] returns both en and…
Erik B
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how to sort non-english strings?

I did look up answers, and they are good for the standard alphabet. but I have a different situation than that. so, I am programming in Java. I am writing a certain program. this program has at some place some list of string items. I would like to…
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how to make sql developer display non-English character correctly instread of displaying squares?

in sql developer--preference Environment--encoding is already set to 'UTF-8' Code Editor--fonts was set to 'Verdana' Database--NLS--Language was set to 'American' The data in db was written by Java in UTF-8 encoding (95% percent sure) What else I…
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4 answers

Facebook Graph API - non English album names

I am trying to do a simple thing - get all my albums. the problem is that the album names are non-English ( they are in Hebrew ). The code that retrieves the albums : string query = ""; string…
Yaron Levi
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how to return a formatted number by String.format in English?

When I using String.format method, if my phone language be Farsi this method return the formatted number in Farsi language. but I want to use an English formatted number. I using this code: String.format("%.02f", myNumber) my question in picture:
Hamidreza Samadi
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How to break up non-english text into constituent characters in javascript?

I am trying to draw text along a curve on html5 canvas. To do this, I need to break up input text into constituent characters which can individually be rotated and translated etc. The breaking up of text is easy for English. Given input string s,…
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German Stemmers in RTextTools

I am trying to use the German stemmer that comes with RTextTools but the results I get are quite off the mark. Say, I have the following vector: v <- c("groß", "größer", "am", "größten", "ähnlicher") Using library(RTextTools) wordStem(v,…
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Setting UILocalizedIndexedCollation Languages Order

I am using UILocalizedIndexedCollation in my application to return indexed tableview. My locale is set to Hebrew and on the indexed table I can see index list with both English and Hebrew letters. The order is always the same, first English alphabet…
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Android Studio textAllCaps turning letter "i" to caps in my native language as "İ". Do you know a way to avoid this?

I'm trying to learn Android Studio (v. 3.6.3). I am setting the attribute textAllCaps to true in the XML code source forTextView, as follows: "android:text="@string/quantity" "android:textAllCaps="true" However, on the screen, the word "Quantity"…
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Plural naming convention for composite objects

The question is about the correct way to name variable or identifiers that groups collections of two or more "things". Let me explain a little further with example and question... If you something that holds an id you may name it with the…
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Python3 Converting Non-English Chars to English Chars

I have a text file, I read file and after some operation I put these lines into another file. But input file has some Turkish chars such as "İ,Ö,Ü,Ş,Ç,Ğ". I want these chars to be converted to English chars because when I open the files in UTF-8…
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Non English (Hebrew) output in RStudio console

The following test works fine on my laptop, but produces an error on my HP EliteOne 800 running Windows 10 H <- "שלום" H In the machine with the problem I get [1] "ùìåí" I tested several encoding, such as Encoding(H) <- "ISO-8859-1" which…
Avi Kluger
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php | reverse hebrew string, but without reverse english letters

I'd like to print a string on image with imagettftext function, but I've got one problem - the text is hebrew and shown as reverse. I tried using strrev function (and others) to reverse the string, and it works - but if its has english letters in it…
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How do I convert german words to english using Python?

I am trying to scrape a German website and I am in need to convert the scraped data from German to English. Now, What I did is I have hitted third party website to do this process for me. Hereby I have attached the code i tried as below: from bs4…
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