Questions tagged [non-english]

Use this tag for questions that relate to problems involving text or data that is written in another language besides English.

Note that this tag should not be used to ask questions on StackOverflow in a language other than English. All questions on this site must be written in English.

192 questions
7 answers

Can an email address contain international (non-english) characters?

If it's possible, should I accept such emails from users and what problems to expect when I will be sending mails to such addresses?
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6 answers

Detect strings with non English characters in Python

I have some strings that have a mix of English and none English letters. For example: w='_1991_اف_جي2' How can I recognize these types of string using Regex or any other fast method in Python? I prefer not to compare letters of the string one by…
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6 answers

Use regular expression to match ANY Chinese character in utf-8 encoding

For example, I want to match a string consisting of m to n Chinese characters, then I can use: [single Chinese character regular expression]{m,n} Is there some regular expression of a single Chinese character, which could be any Chinese characters…
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2 answers

Foreign language characters in Regular expression in C#

In C# code, I am trying to pass chinese characters: " 中文ABC123". When I use alphanumeric in general using "^[a-zA-Z0-9\s]+$", it doesn't pass for "中文ABC123" and regex validation fails. What other expressions do I need to add for C#?
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3 answers

How can I create an alphanumeric Regex for all languages?

I had this problem today: This regex matches only English: [a-zA-Z0-9]. If I need support for any language in this world, what regex should I write?
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8 answers

Non-English domain naming issues in programming

Most programming code, I imagine is written in English. But I'm curious how people are handling the issue of naming herein. A lot of programming is done within some bussiness domain, usually with well established terms for certain procedures,…
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5 answers

Checking for Administrator user login in non-English installations of windows

I have some small questions...I have a program that stores a list of users in a database and compares on program startup if the user is in the list or is an administrator before letting them use it. At the moment, the way I'm using to check if the…
1 answer

How to display all non-English characters correctly in a web site?

It's annoying to see even the most professional sites do it wrong. Posted text turns into something that's unreadable. I don't have much information about encodings. I just want to know about the problem that's making such a basic thing so…
Ufuk Hacıoğulları
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4 answers

How to remove english alphabets from list in python

I have a list with some English text while other in Hindi. I want to remove all elements from list written in English. How to achieve that? Example: How to remove hello from list L below? L = ['मैसेज','खेलना','दारा','hello','मुद्रण'] for i in…
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2 answers

English as language for the dates ticks using matplotlib

I'm a French native speaker, so my OS interface (GNU/Linux Xubuntu) is in French Thus, when I plot a time series using Matplotlib with datetime as X data, the returned plot have the months written in French How can I obtain those printed dates in…
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3 answers

possible to raise exception that includes non-english characters in python 2?

I'm trying to raise exception in python 2.7.x which includes a unicode in the message. I can't seem to make it work. Is it not supported or not recommended to include unicode in error msg? Or do i need to be looking at sys.stderr? # -*- coding:…
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1 answer

Primefaces fileDownload non-english file names corrupt

I am using Primefaces 3.2. I've got problems with using primefaces fileDownload. I can upload the files and keep their non-english name on the server (in my case this is Russian). However, when I use p:fileDownload to download the uploaded files I…
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1 answer

Sorting non-English names with MySQL

I am trying to sort a table that contains Greek characters. The corresponding English version of the table is being sorted (both ASC and DESC) just fine, every time you click on the header of the table. I have searched on Greek forums and the only…
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2 answers

Is there a standard way to sort by a non-english alphabet? For example, the romanian alphabet is "a ă â b c..."

Possible Duplicate: How do I sort unicode strings alphabetically in Python? As a citizen of the Rest-of-the-World, I'm really annoyed by the fact that computers aren't adapted by default to deal with international issues. Many sites still don't…
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2 answers

Language dependent sorting with R

1) How to sort correctly? The task is to sort abbreviated US states names in accordance with English alphabet. But I noticed, that R sorts lists basing on some kind of operating system language or regional settings. E.g., in my language (Lithuanian)…
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