Questions tagged [nightwatch.js]

Nightwatch.js is an easy to use Node.js based End-to-End (E2E) testing solution for browser based apps and websites.

Nightwatch.js is an easy to use Node.js based End-to-End (E2E) testing solution for browser based apps and websites. It uses the powerful Selenium WebDriver API to perform commands and assertions on DOM elements.


See Also

1449 questions
1 answer

Nightwatch.js: How to run a log-in script before running the test suite

Is there a way where I can Run a script to run a website and perform log in etc. and before running a test suite using Nightwatch JS? I have tried to use beforeeach hook in global.js, but so far failed to make it work. If there is a solution for…
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Selecting random value from dropdown menu in javascript (nightwatch.js)

Not had much experience of javascript, or nightwatch.js so apologies if this seems an obvious thing to do. I have a dropdown menu that gets randomly populated. What I'd like to do is randomly select one of these dropdown menu options. The html for…
Darren Harley
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2 answers

Selenium Webdriver Nightwatch.js

I am trying to click on the 'Customer Login' button. But it does not. module.exports = { tags: ['Registration'], 'Test Registration Page' : function (client) { client …
1 answer

Debugger for Protractor in WebStorm IDE

I want to know how I can setup debugger for Protractor test automation in WebStorm IDE. I have done it for Nightwatch framework but not sure about Protractor.
1 answer

How to implement centralised test execution control of NightWatch.js tests?

We are using Grunt to kick off NightWatch.js tests. There are like 30-40 tests and this number will grow a lot more. For now, I am aware of only two reasonable ways to choose which tests get run and they are both manual: 1. Remove all tests that…
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What's the difference with keys and elementIdValue in WebDriver Protocol?

I am new to Nightwatch.js and WebDriver Protocol. During reading these documents, I am curious about the difference with .keys() and .elementIdValue(). In Nightwatch API Reference, the definitions are below: .keys(): Send a sequence of key strokes…
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NightwatchJS - Can't close browser window automatically after running test

I'm running my first ever Nightwatch test as shown in the code below, everything runs fine, selenium types 'wiki' into google and submits the form fine, test passes. However I want it to automatically close the browser window down after the test has…
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Testing website in nightwatch without browser

is any chance to test website by url and do not open browser so any info output will be in the command line? Thanks in advance !
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Unable to locate element in nightwatch using its id

I have encountered the following error while testing using nightwatch. Expected element to be visible - element was not found - expected "visible" but got: "not found" I have following two files:- page-object…
2 answers

element not found via xpath

I have a button: nightwatch doesn't find it these ways: browser.waitForElementPresent('//button[@class="btn btn-default btn-auth"]', 5000);…
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How to move functions outside a NightwatchJS script using modules?

If I have multiple functions written inside a Nightwatch script - like the ones below - how can I move them outside the script in order to be used by other scripts too? function firstFunction (aaa, callback) { // do async stuff …
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Nightwatch. Click on random number in calendar

I have a calendar on my page, based on tr-td - tr is week, td - days.\ ...... .... ...... …
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Nightwatch/selenium - Error: Unable to access jarfile

I'm trying to run some functional tests but i got this error. Starting selenium server... There was an error while starting the Selenium server: Error: Unable to access jarfile…
Franco Manzur
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1 answer

Nightwatch.js custom command this vs this.api

// myCustomCommand.js module.exports = function () { this.SOME_NIGHTWATCH_COMMAND(...) // fails, undefined this.api.SOME_NIGHTWATCH_COMMAND(...) // works } Anybody know what's going on?
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nightwatchjs selector is not selecting an attribute with space

I have a few pages on which I am running nightwatchjs to execute an end to end test.
MyReal TV
I have a few tabs that I try to verify using code similar to…
Nuru Salihu
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