Questions tagged [nightwatch.js]

Nightwatch.js is an easy to use Node.js based End-to-End (E2E) testing solution for browser based apps and websites.

Nightwatch.js is an easy to use Node.js based End-to-End (E2E) testing solution for browser based apps and websites. It uses the powerful Selenium WebDriver API to perform commands and assertions on DOM elements.


See Also

1449 questions
3 answers

How to use key press events in nightwatch js?

I have a case where I need to press "Enter" button to navigate on my web application (System under test). I did achieved this using Selenium- Java using Robot class, Robot robot = new…
2 answers

Verifiying contents of page source (nightwatch.js)

I'm having trouble verifying that a certain string exists in a page's source in nightwatch.js Basically, I'm trying to replicate the verifyHtmlSource command from Selenium IDE. Does anyone know how to verify that a certain string exists in a page's…
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1 answer

how to change IE internet security settings using nightwatch.js

I just learned that the reason why my website forces you to re login whenever you navigate the site using a nightwatch test is because of an internet security setting in the saucelabs IE driver. Is there a way to change the IE driver security…
Brown A
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1 answer

DEPRECATION NOTICE while trying to launch selenium chrome driver using nightwatch

I use chromedriver with nightwatch for my web-ui testing. Things were working until i got this message. How do i get around this issue DEPRECATION NOTICE: Property chrome_driver is deprecated since v0.5. Please use the "cli_args" object on the…
1 answer

Nightwatch : Unexpected Token Error on waitforElementVisible

When I am trying to execute below piece of code through command line using node nightwatch tests/login_Radius_TC2.js I keep on getting below error. I am new to nightwatch and need help in understanding the exact root cause. I also looked at the…
Kovid Mehta
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2 answers

nightwatchjs click on div doesn't work

first time posting a question here I'm pretty new to nightwatch and trying to click a button which is a div class inside other divs i searched around for some solutions but with no luck.. HTML pic (not enough points yet to post inline) the element…
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1 answer

How To Navigate From Parent Window To Popup Window using Node js Night Watch

I am implementing facebook login automation on my site using night watch.I am successfully able to opening facebook login window in popup but can't able to access popup window using night watch please help me
2 answers

By is not a function in selenium nightwatch

I could not use the default By commands in selenium. Below is my script driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[@id='lotstatus_q']/div/table/tbody/tr")); my script is failing and the result is this:By is not a function is there any other items that I need…
2 answers

Using function to populate JSON field value

I'm trying to incorporate the below function to populate the value of my JSON data field 'groupName'. - Anyway to incorporate this concept with a JSON file/field? "Groups" : { "groupName" : function makeid() { var text = ""; …
fred randall
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