Questions tagged [nexus3]

Nexus is a Repository Manager for Maven, NuGet, Docker registries and other binary artifact repositories. Repository managers serve two purposes: they act as highly configurable proxies between your organization and the public repositories and they also provide an organization with a deployment destination for your internally generated artifacts.

Since version 3.x, Nexus Repository Manager and Nexus Repository Manager OSS support Docker registries as the Docker repository format for hosted and proxy repositories. These repositories can be exposed to the client-side tools directly or as a repository group. This reduces time and bandwidth usage for accessing Docker images in a registry as well as provides a platform to share images in a hosted repository.

Nexus is an open source repository manager for Maven and other repository formats like P2, NuGet, static sites, RPM/YUM, NPM, NuGet, RubyGems and more. Repository managers serve two purposes: they act as highly configurable proxies between your organization and the public repositories and they provide an organization with a deployment destination for your internally generated artifacts.

The true power of Nexus comes into play with its caching mechanism i.e its ability to cache any component from any source. On first request, nexus scans its storage to see if the requested component is present in the storage location or not. In case the particular artifact is not present, it will fetch the artifact from a list of configured remote repositories and place it in its storage location before serving the requester. Next time the same component is requested, it will be served directly from the storage, thus saving the overhead of fetching it from the remote repository.

In addition Nexus provides a user interface around the administrative and user related tasks such a searching components and provides further features like support for release process, control over available artifacts, audit and security controls. Nexus Professional also displays up-to-date information about known security vulnerabilities and license issues.

Nexus improves build times as described in this video presentation which provides an overview of how a local Nexus server, that you set up and manage, caches artifacts that are downloaded from the Central Repository (aka Maven Central) and other repositories. There is a commercial version, Nexus Professional, with more features available. You can find out more about it all on the dedicated user community website with lots of helpful blog posts, videos and more.

418 questions
8 answers

How to manually deploy artifacts in Nexus Repository Manager OSS 3

After installing Nexus Repository Manager OSS 3 I do not see option Artifact Upload to upload artifacts through web page. In Nexus Repository Manager OSS 2.13 there is option to do that operation. Anyone can show me the way how to upload artifacts…
Paweł Głowacz
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4 answers

What is the minimal set of privileges required to deploy artifacts to Nexus 3?

I'm using Nexus Repository Manager 3.1.0-04, and I want to create a user to just have deployment permissions. What are the minimal set of privileges required for that? Right now I created a role nx-deploy with the following…
Jane Wayne
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2 answers

Get size of specific repository in Nexus 3

How can I get a size of specific repository in Nexus 3? For example, Artifactory shows the repository "size on disk" via UI. Does Nexus have something similar? If not - how can I get this information by script?
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6 answers

OrientDB corruption state in Nexus Repository version 3.2.0-01

We are using Nexus Repository version 3.2.0-01 and started getting the following error in nexus.log. OrientDB has got corrupted. Nexus is no longer starting. 2017-03-21 13:00:36,329+0000 INFO [FelixStartLevel] *SYSTEM…
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2 answers

Nexus3: move a specific Maven repository into an another blob store

I've just installed Nexus 3 by upgrading from Nexus 2 and noticed that every Maven repository is now in the default blob store. I would like to move the releases repository to be hosted from a separate blob store. What's the easiest way to achieve…
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11 answers

Sonatype Nexus 3 - get latest snapshot

We've just upgraded out nexus installation to the latest release (3.x). Is there any way to get the latest version of a given snapshot artifact? Nexus 2 had a nice API which is not supported anymore. Same question (but for the old version) has been…
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1 answer

Nexus 3 blob size not reduced after deleting artifacts

I am using Nexus 3 and the blob stores consume more and more disk space as artifacts get uploaded. Now I deleted a bunch of no longer needed artifacts from a release repository, but I did not see any decrease of the consumed disk space. I deleted…
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6 answers

Purge old release from Nexus 3

I use Nexus 3 and I want to delete my old releases. In Nexus 2 there is a scheduled task called Remove Releases From Repository. It seems that this tasks is missing in Nexus 3. How can we delete old release from Nexus 3 ? Thanks
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2 answers

NPM: how to specify registry to publish in the command line?

I'm testing a new version of our npm packages registry. I'd like to run a job in our CI server specifying a registry different of the default. I tried to execute npm publish --registry "http://nexus.dsv.myhost/nexus/repository/npmjs-registry but it…
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3 answers

Can't use Nexus Repository Manager 3.0 default admin user

Just installed Nexus 3.0.0-03, started up, followed the doc, but can't login with default admin/admin123. The only error I can see is the login refusal message:Incorrect username or password, or no permission to use the application.
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3 answers

Nexus 3 REST API to download artifacts

Nexus 2.x had a REST API to download artifacts like below but no longer works for Nexus 3.x wget "http://local:8081/service/local/artifact/maven/redirect?g=com.mycompany&a=my-app&v=LATEST" --content-disposition Has the API changed to something else…
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3 answers

how to upload JAR to Nexus OSS 3?

How to perform an upload of a jar via curl the Nexus 3? I tried using the link tips but without success. Here are my attempts: curl -v -F r = -F releases hasPom = true and = -F jar -F file = @. / v12.1.0.1 / pom.xml -F file = @. / v12.1.0.1 /…
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3 answers

What's Assets in the new Nexus 3

In the new Nexus 3, under Browse, there are Assets and Components. What's the definition of the Assets? I can't find it in the doc:
Jirong Hu
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0 answers

How to set page size on sonatype nexus3 api?

I've been searching around on how to deal with pagination of nexus as documented in here However there is no mention on how to set pagination and I can't find if it's a…
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2 answers

docker login into nexus connection refused

I have set up my docker repo, below is the docker-compose.yml file: version: '2' networks: prodnetwork: driver: bridge services: nexus: image: sonatype/nexus3 volumes: - "nexus-data:/nexus-data" ports: - "8081:8081" -…
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