Questions tagged [networkimageview]

99 questions
10 answers

How to Show an Local image till the NetworkImage() Loads Up in flutter?

new CircleAvatar( backgroundColor: Colors.black87, backgroundImage: new NetworkImage(url), radius: 45.0, ) I Want to…
Ajay Kumar
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4 answers

display NetworkImageView's default image without network request

I have a ListView displaying things, many of which have an illustrative image and some of which don't. The ViewHolder uses NetworkImageView to display the illustrations. The problem is that even if a default image is set, it won't be displayed…
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7 answers

How to create round corner image using volley library android

I am getting image urls from server with square shape I have to make it to rounded corner images.Actually I am using volley library ,I know how to create round corner images using universal image loader and picasso libraries.In volley library I am…
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Adding Authentication Headers to NetworkImageView in Volley

I use Volley and NetworkImageView. This has been working great for several projects. However I need to send auth token in headers for my image request right now. What is the best way to do this? In my normal requests I override getHeaders() and put…
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OOM when using NetworkImageView ( of Volley library)

Background Using the Volley library's NetworkImageView is a convenient way to handle showing images from the web. However, it has some bugs (as i've written here). the problem One of the issues that you can have by using it is that it doesn't…
android developer
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1 answer

networkimageview to display image in offline mode? after kill the application and reopened. Like the facebook app does

I referred android developers site and created the volley NetworkImageView with singleton class. But its not maintaining the cache image after the force close of the app and again open my app in offline. how to make the network image view to get the…
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7 answers

Attempt to invoke virtual method 'int java.lang.String.hashCode()'

I'm trying to load images from URL into girdview using Volley Library. For this I'm following this tutorial. When I run my project, it collects all URLs from server database and then store in arraylist. But doesn't displays images. And I am getting…
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3 answers

Let Volley's NetworkImageView show local image files

I am using NetworkImageView to show some covers downloaded from a remote URL and I successfully manage to cache and show them, but I want to let users set their own cover images if they want. I tried to use setImageUrl method with…
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Volley : Image Caching

I am new to work on Volley and on caching too :P. Though I have already gone through a number of articles & posts related to Image Caching with Volley but I am still not clear with the best/preferred way for Image Caching with Volley. Like disk…
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How to download image using volley and store in cache while image not in use

I am using volley library to download network responses. I know volley download images when it is needed only. But what I want to achieve is to download all the images at a time and store in my cache memory. So basically I want to download all the…
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3 answers

Android: Show loading symbol in Network ImageView

I am using NetworkImageView from Volley library to load images. But while the image takes time load from a URL I want to show a spinning/moving loading symbol in the image container. I tried using the setDefaultImageResId() function to set a…
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Volley's NetworkImageView not showing up in Spinner

I want to display an image loaded from the network (using google volley) next to the spinner's text, but for some reason it's not displayed. In fact, the adapter's getView method is called over and over again, with convertView equal to null, by some…
Eduard B.
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1 answer

ScaleType in ImageView not working

I am trying to make a gallery of images using ViewPager and Volley's NetworkImageView. Everything is working fine with the viewpager and image retrieve. But when i put the bitmap in the NetworkImageView, the image is not stretched to fill the size…
2 answers

NetworkImageView in RecyclerView cause displaying issues due to recycling

So, I use MVVM, Data Binding, RecyclerView and Volley ImageLoader with NetworkImageView. And I basically trying to display a feed with some items (not all) containing NetworkImageViews (Using Volley & ImageLoader). The problem is that my holder is…
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