Questions tagged [networkimageview]

99 questions
1 answer

NetworkImageView. Save image in thumbnail [Server] / resize in client?

I'm trying to create a CRUD android application. Now, when the List Activity is shown, it will display the items created along with a thumbnail of the original image. What is the best practice for displaying a thumbnail in an Android application…
1 answer

Android Volley with Image Caching

Currently I'm working with an application where one activity holds a list view with image and text for each row. I'm downloading the images using the volley. When the list view item is clicked the app will switch to a another activity with a detail…
Tushar Saha
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2 answers

NetworkImageView set image from file

I have a NetworkImageView which loads its content from a URL, but in a specific case I also want to be able to load an image from the user's Gallery (or even capture one with the camera). I'm using Image Chooser Library to load the image from the…
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How to use NetworkImageView to display local image on Android

In my project, I have to display both remote and local images. I can display remote images using Volley NetworkImageView. NetworkImageView networkImgVw = (NetworkImageView)rootView.findViewById(; networkImgVw.setImageUrl(url,…
Kelvin Tan
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Volley on android load images already downloaded with NetworkImageView doesn't work

I have a function that downloaded the images in the background here is the function: @UiThread void donwloadImage(final String url,ImageLoader mImageLoader){ ImageRequest request = new ImageRequest(url, new Response.Listener() { …
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Android Volley: Perform task after imageload

I am using Volley Library to download an image. I want to change the text of a TextView after the image is loaded. Like, before the text is loading. and after the image is loaded it should change to loaded. NetworkImageView image =…
Abhishek Batra
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1 answer

error downloading photos with networkImageView

i am having thsi error that i don't know why is happening and i hope you can help me. I am loading a gridview, that is composed by a couple of networkImageView. I've created a customGridViewAdapter, which i send a List imagesUrls and it downloads…
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ListView with Image lagging, Using Volley NetworkImageView/Aquery/View holders/recycling views

I have done tons of ListViews before with images loading async. But this one is lagging I get this in the log and then it's gives a small lag 09-19 21:13:32.980: I/endeffect(23824): AbsListView.onMeasure(), getWidth()=1080, getHeight()=561,…
1 answer

How to set a bitmap image from local storage to NetworkImageView

i want to set a image from storage device to NetworkImageView. Here i am implemented but it is displaying nothing. In picturePath i am getting image path but it is not displaying. 1. I am setting the bitmap image from server to NetworkImageView. 2.…
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