Questions tagged [netbeans-6.9]

It is the version 6.9 of Netbeans IDE for java application development.

NetBeans refers to both a platform framework for Java desktop applications, and an integrated development environment (IDE) for developing with Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Groovy, C, C++, Scala, Clojure, and others. The NetBeans IDE 7.0 no longer supports Ruby and Ruby on Rails.

The NetBeans IDE is written in Java and can run anywhere a JVM is installed, including Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Solaris.

373 questions
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using struts2.2.1 annotations with netbeans 6.9 not working

Hello Im doing the convention plugin for struts2.2.1, examples with netbeans6.9 and it seems like something is wrong. I even copy/paste everything and nothing. rightnow I get : "The error message is ${message} " when it should be "The error…
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JTextArea keeps adding lines in for loop, how to prevent this?

I am currently working on a gradebook sort of program. The user enters the name of a student and the marks they got on 4 tests, which it then to a 2D Array. When I click the 'Student Average' Button to determine the average mark of said student, I…
3 answers

Java NetBeans Beginner: Import Filesystem

I am new to Netbeans (using 6.9.1) and want to ask the following: Is there an import Project or import filesystem in NetBeans the same way as there is in Eclipse? I have a project in NetBeans and I want to make some temporary changes to see if they…
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"Return statement is missing" error in NetBeans 6.9.1

So as of recent I am testing out using methods that return a value, and I keep getting an error stating that I am missing a return statement in my method "basicPoints". I have a return statement, but I'm not sure why it keeps giving me this error,…
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The application failed to initialize properly (0xc0150002)

I have an image processing C program which uses OpenCV library. I was developing this with Visual Studio 2008 until this happened. So I moved the whole project to netbeans(6.9) and MinGW. I have configured netbeans to use OpenCV libraries as guided…
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"AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to Bebidas

Here is where the code is throwing the error: public class ArrayPila implements Pila{ private static final int TAMAÑO=5; private E []arP; private int tope; public ArrayPila() { arP=(E[]) new Object[TAMAÑO]; …
4 answers

Arrays.asList compilation problem

I've used Arrays.asList dozens if not hundreds of times without problem. All of a sudden previously compiling code is failing to compile after switching to NetBeans 6.9 from 6.8. Here's a few lines in question: Node n = new NickNode(4,5); Node m =…
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What page to open when running Maven-based EAR from Netbeans

Is there an easy way to tell Netbeans (6.9) what page to open when I "run" my Maven Enterprise project? It opens a totally wrong context path. I guess there are some options I can specify on the Project Properties | Actions page -> "Run project"…
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How to search Data in jTable using MS Acess using ComboBox with jTextField Netbeans

In my program I can search data in jTable with this code using jTextfield "txtsearch" in my program. Please take a look at my actual program. Here is a picture: This is my code in jTextField "txtsearch". In this code I can search the jTable via…
1 answer

Java NetBeans connecting to MS Access Database Error

That's my program: Cannot Connect. Details below. Please help me! Thanks! This is my code in "Java Class" (Connect) import java.sql.*; import javax.swing.*; public class Connect { Connection conn = null; ResultSet rst = null; PreparedStatement…
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REST server connect to databse and fetch data

I'm new to JAVA and web services. I want to call a method in REST client JAVA Desktop application. Client is in NetBeans IDE and it should be something like a framework, where it calls the REST server (A dynamic web project), Server is in Eclipse…
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Java look and feel at runtime different from jFrame preview (NetBeans)

I am curious as to which I should trust what would best represent my code at runtime. For example, when I build and run the application, I get the following: However, when I right click on my jFrame, and click on preview, I get what I actually…
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Sorting questions..

Hello there I'm new to programming and I'm currently tasked to create a program relating to Sorting. and I keep getting the error Exception in thread "main" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1 at…
1 answer

How should I give file path in windows?

String fileName = ":D/temp.txt"; FileReader fileReader= new FileReader(fileName); My file is in D partion.I want to give my text document path.I'm not known much about absolute and relative path.Please help to solve above file name path…
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How to Add Code Template In NetBeans For editor-fold tag

As the question says how to make code template or short cut by selecting some code in java editor in netbeans and make hint appear to fast wrap with editor fold
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