Questions tagged [netbeans-6.9]

It is the version 6.9 of Netbeans IDE for java application development.

NetBeans refers to both a platform framework for Java desktop applications, and an integrated development environment (IDE) for developing with Java, JavaScript, PHP, Python, Groovy, C, C++, Scala, Clojure, and others. The NetBeans IDE 7.0 no longer supports Ruby and Ruby on Rails.

The NetBeans IDE is written in Java and can run anywhere a JVM is installed, including Windows, Mac OS, Linux, and Solaris.

373 questions
6 answers

How to set action for close button?

I've created a stand-alone java desktop application in Netbeans 6.9. I want to set the action for the close button of my application. I want to know how and where to set the code for the action of that close button. Can anyone please help me…
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10 answers

Java: How do I close a JFrame while opening another one?

My program starts with a picture with a textfield in a JFrame. I want when the user types start it closes the picture JFrame and opens another JFrame with the main program. I've tried processEvent(new WindowEvent(this,…
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2 answers

How to change PHP Smarty plugin template file extension in NetBeans?

NetBeans uses PHP Smarty Framework plugin for *.tpl files. Is it possible to change this to *.htm? I use .htm extension for smarty templates and would like to benefit from this PHP Smarty plugin. How can I do that?
Dawid Ohia
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1 answer

Rails on Netbeans: Uncaught exception: no such file to load -- script/server or script/console

I'm trying to initiate a Rails 3 console from Netbeans 6.9.1 (just upgraded) and fail with Uncaught exception: no such file to load -- script/console The debugger fails as well on a similar error (... -- script/server). The project I'm trying to…
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How do I make readonly file writable in Netbeans

I am using Netbeans 6.9.1. Whenever I open readonly file and want to edit it I have to go to file directory manually and remove the readonly flag from properties. Is there any plug-in or some way we can do directly make it writable in netbeans…
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2 answers

How to resize the jframe to the screen resolution in netbeans?

I am trying to develop application using swings in netbeans. So I want to resize my application frame to the screen resolution. Kindly help me out in this problem.
Vaibhav Aralkar
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1 answer

Getting "junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: Forked Java VM exited abnormally" Exception

I have a java program for JUnit test which I have written in netbeans IDE where I am testing a class with single thread. When I am going to compile this its working fine and showing results 100% success, but when I am trying to run this program I…
Khoyendra Pande
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2 answers

How to use view scope in case of CDI in JSF 2.0

I created a JSF 2.0 project in Netbeans 6.9. I am starting using CDI. After creating project when i tried to add scope, then i noticed that there is no viewscope in it. I want to know that are the conversation scope and view scope refer to same…
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2 answers

Trating warning: [rawtypes] found raw type: JList in Netbeans (changing the object types to meet the new Java 7 standards)

I'm working on Netbeans and Netbeans has some auto generated object declaration for controllers and some variables. I kept getting the following warnings in the build time. Then I realized from my previous question that Since Java 7,…
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1 answer

Steps to deploy latest JSF version in weblogic 10.3

I am going to start working on a new project and I am considering to use JSF latest version but our weblogic server version is 10.3 and I am not sure what are all the steps to follow to deploy JSF 2 application in weblogic 10.3 And also would like…
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3 answers

Netbeans 6.9 / 7.0 Subversion Checkout Not Working?

When exporting a netbeans project from an svn repository. It downloads everything in the respository to the folder I've specified in the default My Documents/NetBeansProjects directory but it doesn't create the .svn folders for the project like…
Mark Murphy
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1 answer

Assign "Ctrl+S" to Subversion commit

In NetBeans, how can I make it so that every time I save a file it gets committed to Subversion?
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1 answer

Ant, NetBeans Platform project - how to pass command line arguments and access via System.getProperties?

All, I have a NetBeans Platform project (not just a project I wrote in NetBeans, but one using the rich client framework provided by NetBeans). I can run the project via an ant run command. Now, I want to pass in an argument that will work its way…
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1 answer

netbeans custom jax-ws stubs

I am using netbeans 6.9. I have made a JAX-WS service that returns a complex type, I have also made a JAX-WS client to consume it. The JAX-WS system automaticly creates a class for the client, inferred from the WSDl spec. I want to make my own…
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5 answers

Unknown entity bean class after hot deploy: netbeans 6.9 + glassfish 2.1 + eclipselink jpa 2.0

When I deploy my app, it works perfectly until I make a change, save, and netbeans hot deploys the application. At this point I get an unknown entity bean class error on a class that has the @entity and it's included in my persistence.xml. When this…
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