Here is where the code is throwing the error:

public class ArrayPila<E extends Bebidas> implements Pila<E>{
  private static final int TAMAÑO=5;
  private E []arP;
  private int tope;

  public ArrayPila() {
    arP=(E[]) new Object[TAMAÑO];

I'm just creating a generic stack with a type of object (created in another class) and it gives me:

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ClassCastException: [Ljava.lang.Object; cannot be cast to [Lmis.java.clases.Bebidas;
    at mis.java.estructuras_de_apoyo.ArrayPila.<init>(ArrayPila.java:13)
    at mis.java.miformulario.VentanaP.<init>(VentanaP.java:67).

Could you please help?

Davide Pastore
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