Questions tagged [nemerle]

Nemerle is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language for the .Net platform.

Nemerle is a general-purpose, multi-paradigm programming language for the .Net platform. It is as easy to learn and use as C# or VB.NET but Nemerle is by far more powerful. One may start using it as an advanced C# and then, as learning goes on, employ a range of cool features enabling metaprogramming and functional programming. The metaprogramming is based on macros bearing some similarity to Lisp.

Supported paradigms: Object-Oriented Programming (OOP), Functional Programming (FP), Metaprogramming (MP), Component-Oriented Programming (COP), DSL-Oriented Programming (DOP) or Language Oriented Programming (LOP).

Type system: static typing, strong typing, inferred, nominal.

Influenced by: C# (OOP & Imperative support), ML (FP support), Lisp (macros support).

Supported Platforms: CLI (.Net & Mono).

Official sites and communities:!forum/nemerle-en

58 questions
1 answer

How to add property to property map without class explorer?

I've got a new question after answer on this question Pass parameter from page to ActiveX How to add property to property map without class explorer? Need to add the property for object and class explorer doesn't work because Nemerle doesn't support…
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5 answers

What is the meaning of “quasi” in quasiquotations?

Some languages like Haskell (or Nemerle) have quasiquotations. I wonder what the “quasi” means and if there also exist “quotations” without the “quasi” part.
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8 answers

F# vs C# vs Nemerle

Got new project in my TODO and can't chose F# or Nemerle. I'm currently learning F# and have some projects on Nemerle. I like F# way , I like indent by default (also I want indent by default for nemerle2), I like many features and magic of F# but…
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10 answers

When is a new language the right tool for the job?

For a long time I've been trying different languages to find the feature-set I want and I've not been able to find it. I have languages that fit decently for various projects of mine, but I've come up with an intersection of these languages that…
Serafina Brocious
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2 answers

Comparison Of Nemerle and F# For Functional On .Net

Community Wiki Question: Pursuant to this question: What are the benefits of using Scala in .Net? another question comes to mind. Can anyone lay out the comparative advantages (and disadvantages) of Nemerle and F# for functional development on the…
Onorio Catenacci
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3 answers

Using Nemerle in App_Code directory

I want to use Nemerle in an ASP.NET application. Specifically, putting .n files into App_Code. I added this to my web.config system.codedom/compilers section:
Andrew Davey
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2 answers

What are the differences between Boo vs Nemerle?

It looks like both of these languages are dubbed as "what C# should have been", with hygenic macros, REPL, Compiler as a Serivce (CaaS), static + duck typing (way before C# had it). Are there any major difference between these two languages, or are…
Dax Fohl
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2 answers

Getting types in mscorlib (aka Silverlight mscorlib) via reflection on?

I am trying to add Silverlight support to my favorite programming langauge Nemerle. Nemerle , on compilation procedure, loads all types via reflection mainly in 2 steps 1-) Uses Assembly.LoadFrom to load assembly 2-) Usese Assembly.GetTypes() to…
1 answer

Is .NET 2.0 included in the .NET 3.5 installer?

I have a .NET 3.5 program written in Nemerle. As a project dependency I have a .NET 2.0 library. Can I be sure that when the end-user installs .NET 3.5 my program will work, or will I need to force him to install .NET 2.0 too? Thanks.
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4 answers

How do add 1 to a byte

I've tried module Program { Main() : void { mutable x : byte = 0B; mutable y : byte = 0B; x++; //y = x + 1; //y = x + 1B; //def one:byte=1;// x = x + one; } } No matter which one I try, I get the following error…
Adam Speight
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2 answers

Building WPF/XAML applications in Nemerle

What's the process for building WPF apps in languages other than C#/VB, spefically Nemerle? Are there any command line tools available that can compile XAML and embed it into an assembly? Are there command-line tools for using .NET languages other…
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1 answer

Nemerle actors/coroutines & Mono Continuations

I found this article: So I have a few questions about it. Are there any implementations of erlang-style or (at least) scala-style actors for Nemerle based on this framework ? If no, can anyone give an…
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3 answers

available options for 'fake' linq comprehension syntax keywordsin C#?

While there are a few cases where I'll write something using the method chains (especially if it's just one or two methods, like foo.Where(..).ToArray()), in many cases I prefer the LINQ query comprehension syntax instead ("query expressions" in the…
James Manning
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5 answers

Quotation real usages

I faced with the 'quotation' term and I'm trying to figure out some real-life examples of usage of it. Ability of having AST for each code expression sounds awesome, but how to use it in real life? Does anyone know such example?
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4 answers

How to debug F#/Nemerle mono application under Linux?

I recently discovered Nemerle and F#, but I can't find any way to debug my applications. MonoDevelop 2.6 lacks support of Nemerle and F#, 2.4.2 and earlier crashes because of newer gnome-sharp lib is installed (I'm running up-to-date Arch Linux…
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