Questions tagged [multer-s3]

Questions related to streaming multer storage engine for AWS S3.

175 questions
1 answer

nodejs, multer, aws S3

How do i apply uuid and date so that the filename stored in my database and the filename stored in my S3 bucket are the same? With this current implementation, the uuid and the date are always the same even if a post was made hours later. Can…
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Image preview instead of download AWS S3

I made a Node.js lambda service that's only capable of uploading .jpeg, .jpg, and .png. Using multer and express Right now the filtering is working and everything else too. The problem I run into is that when the file is already uploaded, I cannot…
0 answers

Read req.body whether multipart/form-data or application/x-www-form-urlencoded entype form?

I'm building a form backend like Formspree on NextJS, so I need to be able to receive all form POSTs at the same endpoint, without being able to control what the forms enctype is set as. I need to be able to read the req.body no matter the enctype,…
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How do I transform an image using multer-s3?

I am trying to resize an image prior to uploading it to Amazon S3. I have found documentation on how to achieve this, but I suspect that my implementation is incorrect. I am including the code below. What am I doing wrong? const multerFilter = (req,…
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2 answers

How to link S3 URL to MongoDB in Node.js?

I have an empty mind on how to link a specific movie URL to mongoose model. I'm using multer-s3 and multer for form/multi-part body to upload a specific file, and I literally have no idea how to get the URL from multer to put it into the…
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Error: read ECONNRESET at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:205:27) Uploading the files to store i S3

When i am trying to upload the file and store in to s3 location, I got the error Error: read ECONNRESET at TLSWrap.onStreamRead (internal/stream_base_commons.js:205:27) is this a version problem or bug? var express = require('express'), …
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Update an image into AWS S3 with nodejs

I am using node to save an image into aws s3 storage with aws-sdk and multer midlleware. I have a photo of a user and I am using a fixed name as key to object in aws S3. When the user change the photo, I save it into aws s3 again with the same…
Luiz Alves
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How to upload multiple files with multer-s3 in Nodejs

I am trying to upload multiple images with Nodejs, Expressjs and Multer-s3, but it's not working. I have a model called Program and the Program model has an array image attribute but when I try to upload multiple images my req.file returns…
0 answers

CRC32 check during File Upload to S3 bucket using multer

Got to do a crc32 checksum for a uploaded file before saving to s3 disk. I am using multer and multer-s3 to upload a file to s3 which was easy to achive. Here In middle trying to do a crc32 check during file upload. Which was partially completed The…
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Nodejs API, Docker (Swarm), scalability and storage

I programmed an API with nodejs and express like million others out there and it will go live in a few weeks. The API currently runs on a single docker host with one volume for persistent data containing images uploaded by users. I'm now thinking…
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Multer S3 passing back form data and other data in one call

Everything I've looked at regarding s3 and multer s3 looks something like this const upload = multer({ storage: multerS3({ s3: s3, bucket: 'bucket', acl: 'public-read', cacheControl: 'max-age=31536000', contentType:…
Aaron Angle
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How to Upload image wih destination Path as file.filename to Amazon s3, with Multer and expressjs

I am uploading images to Amazon S3 with Multers3 and express. The Image is uploading but I am facing challenges uploading images to the Right Path. For example, before integrating Multer with s3, with this code, the image will be uploaded to…
1 answer

Can't upload file with Multer, React Native and Axios

I know there are thousands of questions like this, but none of the solutions works for me: Change to Fetch Api Use format {uri: ..., type: ..., name: ...} in formData I also have noticed that I can't send the formData directly in the "data"…
0 answers

Manipulate file before multer upload to S3

I want to download a pdf file using a form, then extract the first page and convert to jpeg (using PDFImage), then upload both the original pdf and the jpeg to my s3 bucket. The code for individual steps is fine but I cant work out how to do the…
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How to send multiple files to AWS S3 using Multer-S3 from different fields

I'm currently using Postman in which I require to upload two files from two different fields to AWS-S3; this is how it looks like: This is the API route that I'm calling: router.route('/').post(uploadThumbnail, uploadVideo, createVideo); That…
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