Questions tagged [multer-s3]

Questions related to streaming multer storage engine for AWS S3.

175 questions
1 answer

Error: Unexpected field Amazon S3, Express, Multer, MulterS3

I am getting this error and I have no idea why its giving me that error, I have checked all the tutorials/similar questions related to this and nothing has worked. Can someone please help point me in the right direction. Thank you, Error: Unexpected…
Ray Lu
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Node-SDK Access Denied Upload file in S3 Bucket: putObject() VS multer-3s

When I try to use aws.s3(), everything works fine, my bucket is created with the appropriate key. var s3 = new AWS.S3(); // Create a bucket and upload something into it var bucketName = 'node-sdk-sample-' + uuid.v4(); var keyName =…
1 answer

Access denied while uploading image to AWS S3

Objective: I have my Node.js app deployed as an Elastic Beanstalk instance on the AWS. I've to upload an image onto AWS S3. Problem: It's giving me 'Access Denied' when I do so. Although it works perfectly okay when I do it locally (before pushing…
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Is it possible to upload a server file to cloud using multer?

I want to upload a file which is being generated on my server conditionally in a directory, and I am using multer-s3 package to upload files to S3 service. Is it possible to upload that generated file from server directory to S3 using multer-s3?
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Uploading Large Files on AWS S3 bucket

I am trying to upload large files(PDFs, Videos) through my angular web app to AWS s3 bucket. i am using ng-file-upload for uploading file to my node server,and on node i am using multer-s3 npm package. For small files it is working great as…
Ravi Shankar Bharti
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Nodejs - Access Middleware Object - Multer-S3

I am using the multer and multer-s3 modules to bulk upload multiple files, but after the files are uploaded, I would like to access the newly imported files to then be used within my page, but I can't seem to figure out the best way to access the…
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node.js express multer issue uploading images to s3 using multer-s3 npm

I have a problem uploading images to S3 using multer and multer-s3 npm with node.js and express. I have read the documentation of multer and multer-s3 and followed the tutorials, and searched on stackoverflow and other websites to solve my issue but…
1 answer

Amazon S3 how to control download(get) file with node.js

In my node app I need to allow just some user to be able to download files... How can I do it with amazon S3? I am using MulterS3 for upload: Which ACL should I use in my app?
Vladimir Djukic
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How to call two different file upload methods in 1 route in express.js

Suppose i have a post request route: "/create-listing", fileUpload.uploadListingPhoto.array("images", 12), listingsController.createListing ); I would like to call a different fileUpload method within the same route, hence i need…
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how to upload files to amzon s3 through form data?

I am trying to upload my files to my Amazon S3 bucket. In my research I got this link which worked fine and the files got uploaded: But I need to concatenate this to my web…
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