Questions tagged [multer-s3]

Questions related to streaming multer storage engine for AWS S3.

175 questions
1 answer

Running into a 403 error with nodejs and aws

The relevant packages I'm using are aws-sdk, multer-s3, and multer. I have the upload setup as such: aws.config.update({ secretAccessKey: "accessKey", accessKeyId: "keyId", region: "eu-west-2" }); var s3 = new aws.S3(); const upload =…
Mike K
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Uploading large video file to s3 with multer-s3

I am not able to upload large files like videos to s3. It eventually times out. I've tried to use fs to stream it but I must not be using it properly. I've tried everything I can think of to get fs to stream this file. I don't know if it is…
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0 answers

How to pass Multer S3 stream to another function

I'm running a small Node.js express application that is using multer-s3-transform and sharp packages along with simple-thumbnail package to upload images and videos to to my S3 bucket. My code works perfectly for images, the image is passed, sharp…
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2 answers

How to upload the images to s3 bucket using nodejs?

I am new to aws. I want upload an image from node js using multer to s3 bucket. I have followed the tutorial on youtube but am getting stuck with this error. TypeError: Cannot read property…
1 answer

How to use multer-s3 in aws lambda handler as middleware

I am trying to send a multipart/form-data form to an AWS-Lambda method. I need to be able to send files to S3, and using incoming string parameters, I need to record metadata to RDS. Now, I can do that using express and multer-s3 as follows; var…
0 answers

Multer-s3 dynamic s3 instance

I'm trying to upload files to my s3 bucket, using multer and multer-s3 for Nodejs. The problem that I have now is that I want to set up my s3 instance dynamically because the s3 account and the bucket depend on my user settings. I have the following…
2 answers

Amazon S3 bucket file upload response is not available

I'm using multer ,aws-sdk and multer-s3 packages along with express. when users edit profile user may change profile picture /avatar or not. I've passed multer object multer({storage: multer.memoryStorage()}).single('profileHeroImageEdit') if…
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2 answers

Multer s3 Filename

I'm using multer s3 to upload images from my node.js app to my amazon bucket. I'm using the date together with the original filename to create the new filename; however, when I try to display the new filename it just displays as undefined. This is…
Damian Buttle
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2 answers

How to send an array of files to express backend

I am trying to send an array of images to my backend and then upload them with multer-s3. I am sending them through react to a node express backend. When I submit from the frontend it is a submitting an array of images like so: images : […
1 answer

Transform images into thumbnails before uploading to S3 in nodejs

I have been trying multer-s3 for many hours, But i'm failing in creating thumbnails. Can anyone please tell me how to run it? Following is my code: var upload = multer({ storage: multerS3({ s3: s3, bucket: 'test', //…
1 answer

Upload and redirect page using multer

I am having a problem to redirect the page after a successful file upload using multer. With the file upload i am also saving some text into the database. Here's my code. Question : When the file and the contents are saved in the DB how can I…
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4 answers

Upload Large file (Video) to nodejs server and aws s3 using ReactJs

I am working build an OTT platform but facing issue on Uploading large file to server. I have tried doing it with multer to store the file in temp folder and use aws-sdk s3.upload. It works fine with small file size, But if I tries to Upload Large…
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req.file is always undefined no matter what I do

I'm trying to upload a file to AWS S3 with multer using upload.single('image') but no matter what I do, req.file always returns undefined. I'm using postman to submit the form. I've tried the exact same code in a new project and it works. But when I…
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Node.js How to upload multer fields to AWS s3

I want to upload image and video to s3 by using fields and save them to different path. However my code doesn't work and doesn't occur error. const video_info = uploadVideo.fields([ { name: 'video', maxCount: 1 }, { …
skull Kim
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1 answer

MulterS3 - Control flow to check req object

I'm trying to use Multer-S3, and it works like a charm to upload images. My challenge is that before running the Multer-S3 middleware, I want to have some kind of control flow, where it's possible to check if the req.body contains numbers for some…
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