Questions tagged [msmessage]

iOS Message Objects used by Message Extensions.

38 questions
0 answers

Xcode: How to Run Code When An iMessage Extension is Resized?

I am making an iMessage extension in Xcode, and I am wondering how to make it so when the extension is resized (the presentationStyle is changed), code (a function) runs. For example: import UIKit import Messages class EditorViewController:…
1 answer

Xcode: didTransition to Won't Run in iMessage Extension

I am making an iMessage extension that uses the didTransition(to:). However, the function won't run when I resize the iMessage extension in the simulator. Am I doing something wrong? This is the code I have: import UIKit import Messages class…
1 answer

MSMessageLiveLayout freeze/crash in transcript when info.plist contains privacy request

I have an iMessage extension using MSMessageLiveLayout for messages. I want the extension to access microphone. Adding in info.plist "Privacy - Microphone Usage Description" with correct value causes the liveMessages in transcript to freeze/crash…
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Detecting user interaction in iMessage extension

I know that with an iMessage extension, a message can not be sent unless the app detects user interaction as per Apple's policy to prevent automated messages. However, I have a screenshot detector that automatically sends a message when the user…
Levi K
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How to embed a URL on a MSMessage?

Currently able to attach an image to the MSMessage. Also setting the url of MSMessage using MSMessage.url as below. However when the recipient taps on the message, the URL does not open in Safari browser. Instead the App store opens up. //…
as diu
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To send a message using MSMessage from the Second View of an iMessage Extension App

I have designed an iMessage extension app in which the initial/first view has a button "enter" and when we click "enter" it opens a second view which has one more button "send". I want to send a message using MSMessage when I click "send". My code…
2 answers

Sending multiple messages in iMessage using Swift

I'm writing an app for iMessage and would like to automatically send the message when the user taps on the imessage app screen. The message is composed of a map of an address of a location. Originally, I had tried using the message.url to contain…
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selectedMessage() is not triggered on message select in simulator with Message Extension

I am attempting to trigger a message content specific segue on message select with my messages extension. I am using the following function override: override func didSelect(_ message: MSMessage, conversation: MSConversation) { …
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Set tag or unique identifier for MSMessage

It is possible to set a unique id and or tag for a MSMessage instance? My current app is based on data fetched from a server using an integer id as an identifier. When a previous message is selected I want to modify the view accordingly by fetching…
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How to make an iMessage app that only shows the current message?

I am making a iMessage game. I want only the current iMessage session to show and all of the previous ones to be minimized. For a turn based game I don't want users to go back and see all the previous moves. How might this be done with iOS 10 and…
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Unique MSConversation.localParticipantIdentifier in iOS simulator

When testing iMessage applications in the iOS simulator, retrieving the MSConversation.localParticipantIdentifier in the two default conversation threads (Kate Bell, John Appleseed) returns the same NSUUID string because we are still on the "same…
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Strange Thing Going on with UUID on messages extension

I am creating this messages extension that is a game. When I receive a conversation on didBecomeActiveWithConversation I grab my UUID and the opponent's UUID, for example: myUUID = [conversation.localParticipantIdentifier UUIDString]; opponentUUID =…
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imessage extension app group conversation send fails on first run

I have an imessage extension app that works fine except on the first send to a group. iOS 14.4 multiple devices 8, 8plus, 10... Xcode 12.4 The code goes straight from the send closure (success) to didResignActive. The app is supposed to stay active.…
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How to send GIF Image through iMessage extension

I would like to send a GIF Image from my iMessage extension. The message is sending with the image but the problem is that image is not animating. My approach: let msg = msgList[indexPath.row] let message = MSMessage() let msgLayout…
0 answers

how to put Appstore url in MSSticker

I would like to put a downloadable address in my MSSticker App. How to put the Link in the menu that appears when long touch? enter image description here I'm sorry for my poor English.
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