Questions tagged [mpesa]

M-Pesa is a Mobile phone-based money transfer system. Use this tag for questions related to programmatically integrating your applications into that system. Questions related to using this system are better suited for

20 questions
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Intergrating of AirtelMoney API to Android App

Well we can count more than three years since Safaricom released the M-Pesa APIs as RESTful APIs accessible through their developer portal. Their Github repository, has a sample android application that uses "Lipa na M-Pesa Online" API. This API…
Jack Siro
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2 answers

How do I make an M-Pesa Callback URL using Firebase Cloud Firestore?

I'm trying to make an app that can send payments to PayBill numbers with Safaricom's "Lipa Na M-Pesa" (a Kenyan thing). The call is a POST request to URL: with header: { …
1 answer

How to solve Safaricom C2B error "Unable to identify proxy for host"

I am working with Safaricom Mpesa Daraja Api using the test credentials. Everything was working okay but suddennly I start getting the error. {"fault":{"faultstring":"Unable to identify proxy for host: secure and url:…
Martin Mbae
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0 answers

Unable to integrate Mpesa Api into my android app

I am trying to integrate MPESA API into my android app using the procedures given by Daraja. On launching my application, the following error is displayed in my Logcat D/OkHttp: { "requestId": "16583-1090909-1", …
1 answer

MPESA C2B Validation and Confirmation Transaction Not Responding

I am trying to record confirmed mpesa transactions. I am running them on the safaricom sandbox. My register url function and simulate_transaction both return success from my local terminal. However, I have hosted by app on heroku and the logs on…
1 answer

Django MPESA integration with C2B Till Number Payment and STK Push

I would like to be able to integrate MPESA API C2B Till Number Payment capabilities with STK push into a Django Web app I am working on such that the user of the platform gets an STK Push notification to pay to the till number and the transaction is…
1 answer

Load another Sweet Alert Window after elapse of Timer

I am doing a payment module on opencart. The problem is that the payment gateway requires a callback url that can only update the order history but difficult to refresh the browser. What I have done is that, after submitting the payment data via a…
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3 answers

Integrate Mpesa API with google forms

I want to integrate Mpesa API to a google form. Users using the form to pay, let us say for registration Fee
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Safaricom dashboard does not show all the test credentials

I am working on Safaricom Daraja API B2C but some of the required test credentials are not displayed in the Safaricom Dashboard. As you can see above, the initiator name and security credentials are not provided yet they are needed in the B2C API…
Martin Mbae
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0 answers

How to create mpesa deposits and withdrawals in Java Android

I would like to know how I can create mpesa withdrawal and deposit in my app also to know how it will update its balance automatically after deposit or withdrawal
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I am trying to intergrate mpesa payment api to dynamically pass the store price and the correct response

I have been trying to intergrate mpesa API and make my payment dynamically I manage to see the correct value in my cart on my phone stk push but on the web browser I get an error local variable 'order' referenced before assignment and the console…
0 answers

Mpesa Intergation to C#

Have tried mpesa intergation(simulation to be specific) in c# but am getting (500 Internal Server Error. Kindly Assist identify what am missing or what am doing wrong. Here is the code: var baseUrl =…
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How can you reference the checkoutRequestId from daraja API's mpesa express request dynamically

I am working on an android app with an Mpesa payment module. I have already been able to generate the STKPush giuded by this tutorial on medium: . My goal is to be able to…
3 answers

Getting the authorization token in mpesa api using NodeJS

When getting the access_token from the mpesa API using nodejs, you run code like below var request = require('request'), consumer_key = "YOUR_APP_CONSUMER_KEY", consumer_secret = "YOUR_APP_CONSUMER_SECRET", url =…
1 answer

Is there any android/iOS SDK for M-Pesa payment gateway?

I am searching M-Pesa Android/iOS SDK. If have, can anyone give me this SDK and if no, can anyone please explain the procedure to implement M-Pesa payment gateway in Android/iOS?
Bijoy Debnath
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