Questions tagged [airtelmoney]

AirtelMoney is a Mobile phone-based money transfer system being used for Airtel subscribers in Kenya and a few East African countries. Use this tag for questions related to programmatically integrating your applications into that system. Questions related to using this system are better suited for

3 questions
1 answer

Intergrating of AirtelMoney API to Android App

Well we can count more than three years since Safaricom released the M-Pesa APIs as RESTful APIs accessible through their developer portal. Their Github repository, has a sample android application that uses "Lipa na M-Pesa Online" API. This API…
Jack Siro
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0 answers

Integration of Airtel Money API into our website

We have an website that's currently operating in beta and is aimed at the East African market. We want to integrate Airtel Money into the site. However, i haven't found any information about: how to register for the service how to integrate into…
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3 answers

Intergrating Mobile Money like Mpesa and AirtelMoney with Android App

In Kenya and now spreading to Africa and the rest of the world we have an amazing way of sending and receiving money via cellphones coined mobile money. Two leading service providers Safaricom and Airtel have their mobile money platforms namely…