Questions tagged [mp4box]

103 questions
1 answer

Calculate .m4s segment file suffix in HTML5 video streaming when user seeks to another time

I have created fixed length segments for a long MP4 video using Mp4Box. Mp4Box creates a meta info file mv_init.mp4 and segments like mv_1.m4s, mv_2.m4s, … I stream the video using HTML5 Media Source Extensions and the streaming is working…
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Create MPEG-DASH Initialization segment

I am looking to convert between HLS and MPEG Dash. I do not access to the original fully concatenated video file, only the individual HLS segments. In doing this transformation to MPEG Dash I need to supply an initialziation segment for the Dash…
2 answers

How to create HLS manifest from MPEG DASH segments?

Since, Apple has announced the support for fragmented MP4, Is it possible to create both DASH manifest (.mpd) and HLS manifest (.m3u8) for the same set of segments ( for separate audio and video). How to do it?
1 answer

MP4 segments with header in each keyframe

I'm trying to locate h264 frames in the mp4 container of a segmented file(styp). For the segmentation I'm currently using MP4Box dash. I used MP4Box parser and I noticed that in each keyframe(IDR) the size of the sample is different than the size of…
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How to decrypt the encrypted audio file using mp4box with eme

I'm getting trouble with encrypt/decrypt file using mp4box and EME. I don't know how to do step by…
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How to use mp4box for android?

I need to make mp4 videos eligible for 'streaming' by moving the moov atom to the start [videos are recorded in app by users of my application(so I do not know when a video will get recorded , from which device) (to be sent to my linux host) ] .…
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Working example on live streaming using FFMPEG+MP4Box+Dash.js

I'm stucked on this issue for a couple of days, couldn't find a perfect working example. Here's my current method: Step 1. ffmpeg -re -i sample.mp4 -threads 0 -y \ -map 0:1 -vn -acodec aac -strict -2 -ar 48000 -ac 2 \ -f segment -segment_time 4…
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Is it possible to stream multi framerate videos using MPEG-DASH?

I transcoded a mp4 video to several framerates like 5FPS, 10FPS .. 30FPS and used MP4Box to segment them to play in DASH IF player. FFMPEG Command to generate multi framerate videos with same resolution: ffmpeg -i fball.mp4 -f mp4 -vcodec libx264 …
Suresh Murali
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how to create a mpd file using MP4Box

I am new to this GPAC's MP4Box tool. Using this we can create MPD(Media Presentation Description) files for DASH. I dont know how to do this. Have anyone created a MPD for a video file using this tool?
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How to generate mpd (MPEG Dash manifest) file in code level

How to create MPEG Dash (mpd) file in code level.I couldn't found a way to do this. It's better to have a node js sample. I can do it in command line. I used MP4Box tool But I need to do it in my node js application.
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How do I generate a file M3U8 compatible with fmp4?

I have a streaming solution that use MPEG-Dash protocol, and I would like to expose the same files on hls for IOS devices. I read that fmp4 is now compatible with hls, so I thought that this could be done When I generate may mpd file with this…
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Where to store the .mpd file on django to play on a dash player?

I am trying to build a video player on django. I am using MPEG-DASH for adaptive streaming of the video file. I have chosen a sample video in the beginning. Then, using ffmpeg commands, I have encoded the video into 240p, 360p, 480p and 720p videos.…
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Can someone decode my widevine Mpeg Dash stream if he got a hold of the decoded init data and/or the widevine licence key?

Lets say somebody downloads multiple segments of my widevine DRM stream : Segment01.m4s Segment02.m4s Segment...n.m4s And he somehow got a hold of the decoded initialization header data for that particular stream, what is he able to do with it?…
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MP4 moof fragment headers

I have a MP4 parser software that get's a fragmented .mp4 video, parses the MOOV and fragment headers and streams it. I have generated a .mp4 file myself using FFMPEG and MP4Box/bento4, but the software has problems processing it. ffmpeg -i…
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Creating a timed metadata track in MP4

The BMFF defines a meta data track as a track which can appear in the media file in addition to video & audio tracks. Such a track can be in the form of xml (metx), text (mett) or binary (urim). Is there a library which is capable of taking a mp4…
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